America Editorial The Current Situation The Good Fight

Notes for the kakistocracy, 2025-03-05: DOGE is the real fraud, David Brooks on the Zelenskyy ambush, disrespecting veterans, defending institutions, and “Elbows up!”

Maybe the real fraud was the fraud that DOGE made up along the way

The Legal Eagle YouTube channel’s latest video is a great summary of the fraud that Elon Musk and his DOGE minions have found — and it’s nowhere near as much as they claim.

Among some of the points made in the video:

I’m fine with auditing government spending, but by actual auditors, and not Dollar General Lex Luthor.

David Brooks (ugh) on Friday’s moral injury

I would usually have issues with quoting David Brooks — generally because he’s a bit of a fuddy-duddy “Man Karen,” but specifically because he dumped his long-time wife, suspiciously around the time he and his much younger (23 years) writing assistant while they were working on his book, The Road to Character.

So it’s with some distaste that I quote him here, but what he said in his summary of the mobster-style shakedown that Trump give Volodymyr Zelenskyy last Friday, but damn it, the philandering milquetoast has a point…


I was nauseated, just nauseated. All my life, I have had a certain idea of about America, that we’re a flawed country, but we’re fundamentally a force for good in the world, that we defeated Soviet Union, we defeated fascism, we did the Marshall Plan, we did PEPFAR (President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief) to help people live in Africa. And we make mistakes, Iraq, Vietnam, but they’re usually mistakes out of stupidity, naivete and arrogance.


They’re not because we’re ill-intentioned. What I have seen over the last six weeks is the United States behaving vilely, vilely to our friends in Canada and Mexico, vilely to our friends in Europe. And today was the bottom of the barrel, vilely to a man who is defending Western values, at great personal risk to him and his countrymen.


Donald Trump believes in one thing. He believes that might makes right. And, in that, he agrees with Vladimir Putin that they are birds of a feather. And he and Vladimir Putin together are trying to create a world that’s safe for gangsters, where ruthless people can thrive. And we saw the product of that effort today in the Oval Office.


And I have — I first started thinking, is it — am I feeling grief? Am I feeling shock, like I’m in a hallucination? But I just think shame, moral shame. It’s a moral injury to see the country you love behave in this way.

Presidential counselor Alina Habba on veterans fired by DOGE: “Perhaps they’re not fit to have a job at this moment.”

She said:

You know, we care about veterans tremendously. But at the same time, we have taxpayer dollars, we have a fiscal responsibility to use taxpayer dollars to pay people that actually work.


That doesn’t mean that we forget our veterans by any means, we are going to care for them in the right way, but perhaps they’re not fit to have a job at this moment or not willing to come to work.


And we can’t, you know, I wouldn’t take money from you and pay somebody and say sorry, you know, they’re not going to come to work. It’s just not acceptable.

Veterans account for about a third of federal workers, and so far, this administration has fired 6,000 of them.

Lesson 2 from On Tyranny: Defend institutions!

In the previous Notes for the Kakistocracy, I posted the first lesson from historian Timothy Snyder’s book, On Tyranny, which was “Do not obey in advance.” Here’s the second: Defend institutions.

“Elbows up!”

Kudos to fellow Canadian and Torontonian Mike Myers — not just for his performance as Elon Musk in Saturday Night Live’s cold open last Saturday, but for his T-shirt at the closing…

…and this gesture, which any good Canadian will recognize:

That’s “elbows up!”, a hockey (and also boxing) expression that means “protect yourself and fight back,” and it’s become a popular catchphrase in light of the Trump tariffs, which are completely unjustified and whose purpose is to weaken Canada to make it easier to take over.

Florida of the Day Stranger than Fiction Tampa Bay

Tampa Bay deal of the day: STRIPPER POLE

Click to see the Facebook marketplace ad.

Some notes about the screen capture above, which I took from Facebook Marketplace…

  1. Tampa Bay Facebook Marketplace, you never cease to entertain.
  2. Most people tend to list this item as an “exercise pole.” I rather like the seller’s candor.
  3. Hey, the seller’s not too far away from me.
  4. There’s a short story writing prompt in that photo.
  5. For some reason, the short story that I’m building in my mind based on the photo goes like this: “We broke up, she didn’t take the stripper pole I got for her for Christmas, I have no use for it, and it reminds me too much of her. At least I have the dogs to keep me company and my snacks in the fridge to ease the pain.”
  6. That’s a comfy-looking dog bed. The seller loves their dogs.
  7. Hey seller, could I pet your dogs?
  8. The phrase “STRIPPER POLE” (and yes, in all caps) is the new “For sale, baby shoes, never worn.”
Editorial Picdump The Good Fight

Sunday picdump for March 2, 2025

Another Sunday, another “picdump!” Here are 200+ memes, pictures, and cartoons floating around the internet that I found interesting or relevant this week. Share and enjoy!

Tom the Dancing Bug 1723 star wars resistance

PLEASE NOTE: This one is likely an AI-generated fake. See Snopes for details.

There’s a photo that’s been making the internet rounds — the one on the right — that I inlcuded in this picdump. Turns out that it’s AI generated; Snopes has the receipts. I’m leaving it here, but clearly marked so you’ll know which photo it is and that it’s a fake.

Thanks to Sean Tevis for the heads-up!

America Editorial The Current Situation The Good Fight

Notes for the Kakistocracy, 2025-03-01: Facebook and content moderation, shut the f**k up, do not obey in advance, and no one is coming to save us


Kakistocracy, meaning a government run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens. Its root is the Greek work kakistos, meaning “worst.”

This is a regular series of posts on The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century on surviving, thriving in, and countering the kakistocracy in the U.S. and around the world.

Last Week Tonight on  Facebook and Content Moderation

If you haven’t yet watched this Last Week Tonight piece, watch it now. Note that at the end of the segment, John Oliver shows you how to make yourself less valuable (and less profitable) for Facebook.

The National Lawyers Guild of Detroit and Michigan remind you: “Shut the fuck up!”

There’s a reason why the first line of Miranda is “You have the right to remain silent.”

Lesson 1 from Timothy Snyder’s On Tyranny: “Do not obey in advance”

History professor Timothy Snyder has been studying European tyrants throughout history and has derived 20 lessons that are applicable in the U.S. under Trump. Here’s the first one, and it’s key: Do not obey in advance.

Adam Conover: No one is coming to save us (so we’d better do it ourselves)

Adam Conover reminds us that if you want to see change in this country from its current state of ass-clownery (and remember, it hasn’t even been two months since the inauguration — image the damage MAGA can do over a year), it requires organizing and taking action, and there are plenty of historical precedents.

America Editorial The Good Fight

Please DO NOT invite Andrew and Tristan Tate to Tampa

Tap to view Tampa Bay Young Republicans’ Facebook post (and the comments!).

Even uber-Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis says they’re not welcome, but the Tampa Bay Young Republicans, whose 2025 executive board is pictured below, are welcoming outright misogynists and alleged human traffickers Andrew and Tristan with open arms. Why?

Tap to see this photo on their Instagram, which also identifies them by name.

What does the sole woman in the board (who, unsurprisingly, holds the position of Secretary) have to say about the Tates?

America Editorial The Current Situation

Be wary of the company you keep

For context, see this article: U.S. votes against a U.N. resolution urging Russia’s withdrawal from Ukraine.

Florida Stranger than Fiction Tampa Bay

Tampa Bay Deal of the Day: B-57 Canberra bomber ejection seat!

Click to see the ejection seat’s listing in Facebook Marketplace.

Maybe you’ve got a corner in your house for U.S. Air Force memorabilia, or maybe you’re restoring a B-57 Canberra bomber — but either way, if you’re looking for an ejection seat, there’s a seller in St. Pete looking to sell a B-57 Canberra ejector seat for $2,000 (but they also seem open to offers).

U.S. Air Force B-57 Canberra bomber. Click to see the source.

I was a big fan of airplanes and aerospace stuff as a kid, so I’m familiar with the B-57, which was made by the Glen L. Martin company, which later got merged in the 1960s into Martin Marietta, and then again in the 1990s into Lockheed Martin.

NASA WB-57 research plane. Click to see the source.

While the B-57 has long since been retired from the Air Force, NASA still have a couple of specialized versions, the WB-57, which they use for high-altitude research.

This is me after too much Taco Bell.

On the very off chance that you’re thinking of buying this seat because you think it might be cooler than using an elevator or stairs…

  • I’m pretty sure this seat doesn’t come with the rocket engine that actually does the work of ejecting you out of the plane.
  • You need to be aware of this equation:
That guy on the right is not the guitarist from Queen (but you should note that the guitarist from Queen is a physicist).

This basic physics equation shows how much force is required for an ejection seat to do its thing:

  • F is for force, the value you want to know.
  • m is for mass, which for the purposes of this discussion, we’ll say is the same thing as weight (cue the sound of my friend, physics professor Tom Simko, screaming “NOOOOOO!”). You have to account for the mass of whoever’s in the seat and the mass of the seat including the rocket engine and fuel.
  • a is for acceleration, which is physics-ese for rate of change of speed. Earth gravity, on average, accelerates you towards the center of the planet at a rate of 9.81 meters per second or per second, or to put in terms my American friends will appreciate, that’s about one and a half Ford F-150 lengths per second per second. To eject you, the seat has to accelerate you in the opposite direction of gravity, and at an acceleration greater than gravity — typically 14 to 20 times.

Pilots who have ejected from a plane report that they lost a little height from having their spines compressed from the force. If you had a big meal before ejecting, having your body and the digested food within suddenly weigh 14 to 20 times as much will probably cause you to crap your pants.

So yeah, this seat is best used as memorabilia rather than a cool thing you can demonstrate at your pool parties (“Hey, everybody, who wants to see me land on the roof?”)