
Happy Purim!


begins at sundown tonight. I’m not Jewish, but my fiancee and in-laws

are, and hey — any holiday where you’re encouraged to drink is good in

my books!

(Purim is what happens when a big-shot Asian guy checks out the cute Jewish girl, something with which I am rather familiar.)

I might join Sass

and company at “Jamaoke” tonight (that’s kataoke, but with a live band

instead of recorded music). If I do, I’ll do my own version of the

Purim toasts: “Screw you, Haman! Rock on, Mordecai!”

I have no Purim pics, but here are a couple of shots from the St. Patrick’s Day beerfest with my Tucows co-workers:

Photo: Joey deVilla plays accordion while Greg Frank plays air guitar at 'The Toad in the Hole' on St. Patrick's Day 2005.

“On a dark desert highway…”

From left to right: Me, one of those fanboys who pop up when they hear

me playing rock on ther accordion, and domain name guru Greg Frank

playing air guitar. Photo courtesy of my co-worker Kim.

Photo: Joey deVilla and Greg Frank posing with their Guinness hats at 'The Toad in the Hole' on St. Patrick's Day 2005.

Nuthin’ says “sexy” like a Guinness hat. Greg and I love these things. Photo courtesy of my co-worker Kim.

And last but not least, here’s a goofy Purim joke for those of you celebrating:

Comic: 'Dry Bones' Purim Joke.

Ah, Borscht Belt humour.

One reply on “Happy Purim!”

Oh dear. I thought it was karaoke, but you sing in your jammies. You mean I shouldn’t bring my fuzzy pink slippers?

I wonder if the band at the Red Lion knows Head Like A Hole…


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