
Now It Can Be Told: Tucows Bought Kiko

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Kiko Logo

For those of you who follow the news about web companies, you’re probably aware that the web calendaring application Kiko was recently put up for sale on eBay and sold for US$258,100. The only clue to the identity of the buyer was the eBay username “powerjoe1998”.

Well, now that all the i’s have been dotted and the t’s have been crossed, it can now be revealed: it’s us, and by us, I mean the company for whom I hold the title of Technical Evangelist: Tucows.

Want to know more? Check out the article on our new blog: Why We Bought

I’ve just finished recording a podcast with our CEO, Elliot Noss and our General Manager of Retail Products, Ross Rader. It’ll get posted later this week and will go into more detail about the Kiko acquisition and have a tiny bit about my small but not insignificant role in it.

More about this in upcoming posts.

Want to Find Out More About Kiko?

You try it yourself — go to and get yourself a calendar — or if you’d rather read about it, check out all these links on

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