
Unboxing the KRZR

I’ve always been a “simple phone” guy: every mobile phone I’ve ever owned has had no bells or whistles. Even my latest phone — bought about two years ago — is the bottom-of-the-line Samsung that was available at the time. No photo or video capability, no MP3 player, not even polyphonic ringtones!

I’ve become curious about how you folks with the fancy mobile phones live, so when the call went out for bloggers who wanted to try out the Motorola KRZR (pronounced “Crazer”) phone for free, I answered on a lark. The phone arrived about an hour ago, and I present a couple of pictures of the unboxing below.

Not content to send the phone in a regular box, the KRZR came in this secret-agent-worthy aluminum mini-briefcase:

Closed Motorola KRZR briefcase.
Bond. James Bond.

And here’s what I saw when I first cracked it open. I half-expected “Q” from the James Bond movies to start lecturing me about the phone’s features (“Pay attention, double-0-accordion…”). I hope it comes with a grappling hook or a flamethrower!

Open Motorola KRZR briefcase, revealing phone inside.
I’m feeling major techno-lust just looking at this thing.

My gentlemen’s agreement lets me keep the phone and doesn’t even require me to blog about it. However, the unboxing experience was just too cool for me not to post any pictures.

More reports later, once I get this baby charged up and activated!

5 replies on “Unboxing the KRZR”

I hope you like it! Personally, I’m done with Motorola phones. I just can’t deal with the shittiness of their OS. Not to mention, I send a lot of text messages with my RAZR, and it is just a MISERABLE phone for doing that. Bleh. I should have learned with the LAST Motorola phone that I had – Motorola makes pretty phones, that are a pain in the ass to use. Maybe they’ve made progress with the KRZR, but I’m not holding out hope. I’m going back to Nokia. Or possibly over to Blackberry, if I can scrounge up the cash. I loves me some full qwerty keyboards! 🙂

The Moto KRZR comes in the suitcase? I don’t believe it, a small phone just like that? Please say that this is just a gimmick and not real! That suitcase reminds me of those suitcases from Deal or No Deal.

I had a similar experience opening mine, and likened it to the gleaming briefcase in Pulp Fiction. It actually got a giggle out of me! LOL.

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