
“Simpsons” Scenes and their Reference Movies [Updated]

Update: Some quick notes:

  • I didn’t compile or make these images; I found ’em, thought they were neat and posted them for everyone to see.
  • You can find more images like this at Actualidad Simpson.
  • Yes, they’re stills and not scenes. Time was short when I posted the images and I used the wrong word. Anyone seriously incovenienced by that is eligible for a full refund.
  • Time was so short, that I posted a duplicate set of stills. There are only 66 in the set.
  • Time being short, I also didn’t post movie names. Feel free to identify them in the comments!

Here’s something for you film buffs who are also Simpsons buffs: 66 stills from various episodes of The Simpsons, each one beside the still from the movie scene to which they refer, courtesy of my friend Miss Fipi Lele:

Update: I’ve posted more Simpsons homages:

434 replies on ““Simpsons” Scenes and their Reference Movies [Updated]”

Stumbler. Excellent list here. I hope to see more of these in the future. Seriously, it is important for people to see how influenced the animators for this series actually are. Seriously, great idea! Thank you.

This is great! I do wish you had the movie scenes with titles, though, as there are a few I don’t recognize.

what about bart trying to steal homer’s penny jar => opening scene of raiders of the lost ark

bart hurts his leg, spends rest of summer in his bedroom looking through a telescope, suspects flanders kills his wife => hitchcock’s rear window

willie looking for santa’s little helper in the air ducts as skinner watches on a radar monitor => alien

hehe, there are so many….

Don’t forget when Marge beats up I-forget-who just as Sonny beats the hell out of Carlo in The Godfather.

And then there’s Bart reaching for the muffin just as Little Alex reached for the chest of that girl in “A Clockwork Orange.”

Best obscure reference… the tagline on the banner for “Duff Days” was “A lost weekend for families”, referencing the movie The Lost Weekend about a recovering alcoholic who goes on a weekend drinking binge.

I concur – simply awesome! Matt Groening is a genius and I LOVE his creative humor. It is truly refreshing, subversive, and an American adult animated series that has become a global hit. Thank you, Matt! Thank you, Simpsons!

This is a cool idea! According to the season 4 commentaries of the Simpsons (which I was nerdy enough to listen to) one of the writers was saying that Citizen Kane was their most parodied movie. They even said that you could possibly re-create the entire movie if you collected up all of the scenes where they parody it. If your friend had some more free time, it might be interesting to see how true that is.

Thanks for the great work! I used to have an eye for spotting these references when others seemed oblivious to them. Obviously I didn’t catch quite as much as I thought I had. What movie is that where Abe and Bea are flirting while popping their pills?

Do you remember the canoe race? Where Homer says “I betcha the other team is having so much fun now” and it cuts to Flander’s team in a Southern Bayou with a few notes of dueling banjos – definite ode to the movie Deliverance (way disturbing movie – funny when it shows up in Simpson’s)

>> What is the name of the movie that corresponds to the simpson’s clips with the grandpa simpson and the old lady taking medicine?

Is Tom Jones with Albert Finney (bad guy in the Bourne Films)

What was the last film (Man falls to his death)?

There are always a number of classic Twilight Zone episodes in the Halloween specials – my favorite being To Serve Man. The Harry Potter – Chamber of Secrets take-off was also very good. You can have a blog going on this theme only – very worthy effort.
Just one request – someone else made too – please add the movie titles as I missed a couple as well.

The is an episode where the kids are pulling the schoolbus up a steep mountain road. It is taken directly from Werner Herzog’s FITZCARRALDO (they even mention it by name).

Simpsons Scenes and their Reference Movies…

Simpsons Scenes and their Reference Movies – As a Simpsons fan and movie fan, I love this collection of 72 scenes from The Simpsons beside the movie scene to which they refer. Now someone just needs to add a column for movie name………

What about the Requiem for a Dream dilating pupil scene when homer is at krusty burger. I was hoping for that to be here!

Awesome post! Bravo!
missing a couple of my favorites though: Grandpa imitating Johnny Depp’s dancing forks from Benny and Joon and Homer’s 2001 Psychedelic eye.

Let’s not forget the Terminator 2 reference where Homer is running with golf clubs after Flanders’ car and then hooks them in to the trunk as he’s dragged down the road. He also morphs through the hedge that divides their properties. Ahh, genius. “Hey, Flanders, I got us some kick-ass seats!”

There’s quite a few more missed obviously…
To the original commenter No. 1 (Jason), they weren’t so much influenced as simply parodying the films.

Simpsons film references – frame-by-frame comparisons…

This giant image file (of unknown provenance) compares cells from classic movies with their send-ups in The Simpsons. There are a whopping 66 of them! Link……

Other references that come to mind from Simpsons episodes – Dr. Strangelove, Cape Fear, The Omega Man… there’s got to be more…

in the episode in which homer gets a free trampoline (“FREE TRAMAMPOLINE!”) there is a reference to “gone with the wind”. many children have gotten injured from falling from the trampoline, and they are lying on the ground, in rows, as the camera cranes up to a flag, flapping in the breeze. there is that famous crane shot in “gone with the wind” that shows wounded confederate soldiers, ending on a close of the confederate flag.

Lets not forget Lord of the Flies(Model UN),the countless Godfather,Apocalypse Now(think Seymour Skinner),Maltese Falcon and Snow White.People please stop messaging the website compiler with “Why don’t you name them??”I think he explains his position on this right from the start.

I could be wrong, but this is what I have so far:

1-3 Shining
4-5 Vertigo
6 The Graduate
7-8 Citizen Kane
9-11 Miracle on 42nd Street
12 Walter Cronkite, CBS News, Nov 22 1963 (JFK’s death)
13-14 A Clockwork Orange
15-16 Alfred Hitchcock Presents
17-18 Godfather
19-21 Goodfellas
22 Citizen Kane?
23-26 ?
27 Karate Kid
28-36 Psycho
37 Full Metal Jacket?
38 The Longest Day
39 Cool Hand Luke
40-41 Stripes
42-50 An Officer and a Gentleman
51-54 The Ten Commandments
55-61 North by Northwest
62 The Cosby Show
63-66 Saboteur

“Grandpa imitating Johnny Depp’s dancing forks from Benny and Joon”

…which in turn imitated Charlie Chaplin’s sequence with the rolls on the dancing forks, which is surely better known.

“Jason Adams wrote:
Stumbler. Excellent list here. I hope to see more of these in the future. Seriously, it is important for people to see how influenced the animators for this series actually are. Seriously, great idea! Thank you.
Saturday, September 22, 2007 at 6:25 pm”

I’d like to point out that it’s less “influenced” and more “deliberately paying homage to various movies.”

Just.. you know. Pointing it out.

They missed the scene where Lisa is conditioning Bart to not want cupcakes, and there is the shot from above of him reaching for two cupcakes on top of a cabinet, which is pulled directly from the same scene in A Clockwork Orange.

Except that the cabinet was a beautiful woman, and, well… those weren’t cupcakes.

Some of the film references:
The axeman etc. is from Kubrick’s The Shining.
Dustin Hoffman seen through Mrs.Robison’s leg is from The Graduate.
The mailbags are from the 1947 Miracle on 34th Street (letters to Santa being delivered by the USPS “proving” that Kris Kringle *is* Santa)
The bowler hatted droogs are from Kubrick’s A Clockwork Orange.
The Hitchcock outlines are probably from the “Hitchcock Presents” TV series though they could be from a film.
I *think* the Orson Wells/MrBurns scene is from Citizen Kane (as are many, including lots from the Bobo episode).
I haven’t seen Tom Jones, but the eating scene is parodied a lot and I wouldn’t be surprised …
Ralph Maccio was The Karate Kid and that’s him doing that stupid crane pose on the piling.
All the shower scene stuff (including the eye and drain) are from Hitchcock’s Psycho.
Would have to go back and check whether the soldier images are all from the same film, but I’d check Patton (most), Full Metal Jacket (sunset jungle gym), Apocalypse Now, The Longest Day (helmet on ground) and a couple of others.
Then nine shots from An Officer and a Gentleman.
Four shots from Cecil B. DeMille’s The Ten Commandments (1956)
Cary Grant and truck, Hitchcock’s North by Northwest (notice a pattern here? Lots of Kubrick and Hitchcock in the early seasons!)
Black family around table, The Cosby Show .
Statue of Liberty/torn suit, Hitchcock’s Saboteur.

Hi great work man! but…, what about the Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Arc? it’s in on one of the best starts of this cartoon’s serie.

It’s great to see how shows and movies pay homage to those before them. For example, Mediathink mentioned a Benny and Joon reference, though the dinner roll scene was actually Johnny Depp alluding to Charlie Chaplin’s 1925 “The Gold Rush.”

Great post!

There’s another fantastic sequence based off The Great Escape (when Maggie escapes from the Ayn Rand preschool)

En castellano. Falta entre otras, la escena de homer cayendo con la bomba atomica con el sombrero en la mano sobre springfield.

Hey! Very nice list!
It would be awesome if you could add the titles of the films and the relevanced episode!

Nice to see the shots side by side like that and would love to see this list expanded. My favorite is from the episode Lisa’s Pony which starts with a wonderful 2001: A Space Odessey parody and later Lisa awakes with the pony in her bed and screams a la Godfather!

The Shining
The Graduate
Citizen Kane
Mr Smith Goes to Washington (I think)
Walter Cronkite announcing JFK’s death
A Clockwork Orange
Alfred Hitchcock show
Godfather II
Citizen Kane again
**Don’t know
**Don’t know
**Don’t Know
The Longest Day (?)
**Don’t know
An Officer and a Gentleman
The Ten Commandments
North by Northwest
The Cosby Show
**Don’t know

Not a film… but several episodes reference the classic UK series ‘The Prisoner’ with shot-by-shot and plot riffs

Nice list, here from boingboing. I’d also suggest the one when Bart ditches school and Skinner goes after him like the T-1000, walking into the river without stopping.

“Oh man, he’s like some kinda… not stopping… school guy!”

Just a note to #25 Mediathink: it’s sad that so many people think Depp invented that when in fact his fork dance in Benny & Joon was an homage to the great Charlie Chaplin, who did the same trick in The Gold Rush.

Scene from “the Great Escape” when Maggie and babies go after their pacifiers in the daycare, there was the scene from “The Birds” when they are walking past the playground but i can’t remember right now al the circumstances from it. This was great though. If you pay attention there is something in almost every episode.

I don’t recognize all the films (and not all of them are films), but I did recognize most, so here goes:
The Shining (1-3)
Vertigo (4-5)
The Graduate (6)
???42nd Street??? (7-8)
Miracle on 34th Street (9-11)
CBS News with Walter Cronkite (Kennedy assassination?) (12)
A Clockwork Orange (13-14)
Alfred Hitchcock Presents (15-16)
The Godfather, Part II (17-18)
??? (19)
??? (20-21)
Citizen Kane (22)
Tom Jones (23-26)
??? (27)
Psycho (28-36)
???Full Metal Jacket??? (37)
??? (38)
??? (39)
??? (40-41)
An Officer and a Gentleman (42-50)
The Ten Commandments (51-54)
North by Northwest (55-61)
The Cosby Show (62)
Saboteur (63-66)

Simpsons Referenzen…

Das die Simpsons-Macher gerne Referenzen auf andere Filme in den Episoden unterbringen ist kein Geheimnis.

Sehr nett ist es trotzdem, wenn man einmal Simpsons-Szenen im Direktvergleich mit den Original-Szenen sieht.


I’d also add the scene where Homer is trying out a massage chair and he starts to go into the “tunnel of stars” travel scene from 2001.

There is another 2001 reference in the Tree House of Horror episode where they have a “smart house” with a HAL like computer running it.

missing cape fear (sideshow bob gets on the houseboat, straps himself under the car etc..) and thelma and louise. im sure there are more.

This was rather amusing. Some of the images matched up so well. I never really thought of this while watching the Simpsons.

Buena lista, pero aun faltan bastantes, unas cuantas de las qe me acuerdo son:
Terminator2, Thelma y Louise, Batman (Lisa es Joker), etc

they missed one where the inspiration was the sonny corleone scene from the godfather, where sonny beats up connie’s no-good husband. i think homer played the sonny corleone part. i forgot which episode it came from. it was a shot-by-shot imitation too.

you missed the one that marge beat up some street thug. it’s the same scene that sonny corleone(james caan) beats up his sister’s husband at a street alley… exactly the same scene….

Suggestion for future update: The episode titled, IIRC, Run, Lisa, Run is a total remake of the German film released in the US with the title “Run, Lola, Run.” It’s the episode where Homer cuts off his thumb, carries it around in the pickle jar, Lisa needs to get to the science fair, and, of course, “Linguoooooo!!” They do the same day from different viewpoints, Lisa running, etc.

Great stuff! I saw Hitcocks’ “The Birds” over thr weekend and was saw surprised to see that you didn’t have that one listed.

“Simpsons” Movie References…

Continuing in my Simpsons crazy mode today: let’s talk about Simpsons movie references. They pay homage to movies all the time, sometimes in just one shot and sometimes for the better part of an episode (Bart of Darkness is a…


Did you see the episode last season with Marge in an homage to the chase scene in Raising Arizona? Complete with the banjo music used by the Coen Bros.

PS Don’t forget “The Great Escape” with Maggie playing handball at the Ayn Rand School for Tots…

If its not already been done

The Shining
The Graduate
Citizen Kane
Miracle On 34th Street
JFK’s Death (Walter Kronkite)
A Clockwork Orange
Alfred Hitchcock Presents
The Godfather Part II
Tom Jones
The Karate Kid
Full Metal Jacket
The Longest Day
Cool Hand Luke
An Officer And A Gentlemen
The Ten Commandments
North By Northwest
The Cosby Show

Thanks for not ‘dumbing down’ the content, and posting all the movie titles; makes it much more fun! (especially the comments from those who aren’t having as much fun trying to remember/figure out what the movies are)

Does anyone know the episode wherein Homer mentions dogs taking over Springfield and then the final scene is an image of two wolves on a hill overlooking the town as though preparing to attack?

Great compilation! Would love to see a version of this with the videos side by side! Thanks from Rob Goretsky of Hoboken, NJ

I think there is a Pulp Fiction one that can be added here. Episode 0721, “22 Short Films about SPringfield”.

Cool page!

[…] The Adventures of Accordion Guy has a nice collection of Simpson’s scenes that mirror famous scenes from various movies.  There are a bunch more on the site, and there has to be more that aren’t shown, with over 300 episodes, there’s gotta be more then a few dozen references. Share and Enjoy: These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and discover new web pages. […]

links for 2007-09-25…

The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century › “Simpsons” Scenes and their Reference Movies [Updated] (tags: fun simpsons reference funny) 365.38 : Mug Shot on Flickr – Photo Sharing! (tags:…

Don’t forget the scene in “The Mook, the Chef, the Wife and Her Homer” where Fat Tony’s son tells Lisa never to ask her about his business and then the bullies shut the door to play hotwheels while she looks on.

Don’t forget the “Dr.Strangelove” reference when homer imagines himself riding a nuclear bomb while taking off his cowboy hat and yelling “YEEEHAW!!” I think he was imagining that scene to himself…can[‘t remember which episode it was but the scene in the movie is the very last one.

The episode ‘One fish,two fish, blow fish, blue fish…’ contains an hommage to ‘The Graduate’ when Homer bangs on the window and yells Marge’s name.

another really cool one is where homer finally lets bart go to see the itchy and scratchy movie, and by this time it is far into the futire, and when homer goes to get a snack he says “mmmmm soilent green”, obviousley going back to the movie “Soilent Green”, but im not sure if this would class as a scene reference, cool though.

It doesn’t bother me at all that there are no names. I think that’s part of the fun.

Not sure why some shots are represented more than once is all.

Great stuff, thanks! Thought I caught a lot of those scenes, but obviously there are a lot more. Don’t care that you did not label the original movie, more fun to go looking for it,…

There’s also the film reference in part 2 of ‘Who Shot Mr. Burns’, when Groundskeeper Willie is questioned and crosses/uncrosses his legs a la Sharon Stone in Fatal Attraction.

Very impressive, but you forgot the episode that mirrored the final scene in the graduate with abe and marge’s mom on the bus after abe stops the wedding (also a scene)

I take issue with the scene of Homer playing poker coupled with the scene from Goodfellas. All other clips seem to be a direct homage – that is each scene mimics the one from cinema – but this particular scene is notn one reflected as happened its cinematic counterpart. The mob guys let Homer win, whereas in Goodfellas no such laying down occurs.

Why are people saying that this list forget “x” movie? Where does it say that this is a comprehensive list of all movie references? This is a great list and many thanks to the author. To do a comprehensive list would be awesome, but probably impossible. Could you imagine how time-consuming it would be to have to search/upload the source material and then the reference? This is a great list and people need to realize that yes, maybe one of their favorite references was not used, but that doesn’t mean that the author (or any one else) didn’t recognize said reference. I find it pretty amazing that some people still think that they are of a small circle when it comes to identifying references in “The Simpsons”. I’ll admit that I love the show and am laughing out loud when I catch a throw-away line or a background sight-gag that appears to be obscure. I’ll also admit that there are plenty of references that I miss, but the show still cruises along, that is the beauty of the writers’ craft.

[…] The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century › “Simpsons” Scenes and their Reference Mo… Here’s something for you film buffs who are also Simpsons buffs: 66 stills from various episodes of The Simpsons, each one beside the still from the movie scene to which they refer, courtesy of my friend Miss Fipi Lele: (tags: animation fun interesting reference tv) […]

I wish it had a ratings system so I could give it 10 Stars! Great informative list, the animators did an excellent job in homaging those films.

Don’t forget the Rear Window homage episode “Bart of Darkness”. Simpsons get a pool, Bart breaks his leg & comes to believe that Flanders murdered Maude. One of the best eps ever.

I’ve always loved shouting out movie references when I spot them on Simpsons. Well done. Another good one is Rebel Without a Cause. It would take me a minute to remember the details of the episode, but there are great shots of Homer as James Dean.

What about Homer jumping from the bus as it’s getting hit in the Who Shot Mr. Burns finale matching the jump from the train in “The Fugitive”

The best Simpson’s movie reference was verbal, not visual.

Homer complains that he doesn’t like anything Japanese.

Marge replies “You liked ‘Rashomon’.”

Homer grumbles “That’s not the way I remember it.”

Simpsons References Referenced…

Great find by Accordion Guy…. a collection of “Simpsons” Scenes and their Reference Movies. Reference frames from the simpsons and……

EXCELLENT site! You HAVE to publish a Godfather one though mate! Or perhaps even a combined Godfather/Goodfellas/Sopranos/mob movie homage. Scenes that come to mind are the one where Marge beats the crap outta her mugger and Sonny Corleone beats the crap outta his brother in law, and homer wearing the white suit and saying “thats-a nice-a donut” a la Don Fannuci from Godfather II

There are also a couple of Aliens references in a different episodes. The first, and my favorite is when Homer and Lisa go to pick Maggie up from the Nursery and the babaies are all sucking on pacifiers. Homer grabs maggie and backs lisa out of the room full of the disturbing sucking sound of hundreds of pacifiers. The Steve McQueen film the Great escape is also referenced in that episode.

The second is the one where Willie gets greased up and goes in the ventilator shaft to get Santa’s little helper. There are shots of SLH dashing behind Willie, who eventually gets “licked” by SLH. Screams ensue.

great list guys, but i’m not sure, if really all shown scenes are references. buth there’s another reference i remember. it’s a refernce to “the graduate”: grandpa enters the church where mrs. bouvier is marrying mr. burns, escapes with her and they cath a bus. in the background there’s the awesome soundtrack from simon & garfunkel.
regards and keep on posting

Don’t forget that there are numerous references to Planet of the Apes throughout the entire series. They even copied the music.

Off the top of my head:
A scene where the parents chase their kids through a field and catch them with snares.

Homer’s dream of being on The Planet of the Donuts.

Homer cursing humanity when he finally realized what the Statue of Liberty meant during a NASA press conference.

And of course, the Planet of the Apes musical: “Doctor Zaius, Doctor Zaius, ohhh Doctor Zaius!”

The episode in which Barney triumphs at the Springfield Film Festival is loaded with references to movies. Barney’s entire film is a take-off on Citizen Kane.
Also don’t forget Marge and Homer have starred in variations on “Hair” at least once, in their hippie flash-backs!

some of them are obvious, but some are just absolute random crap, this was apalling. I mean seriously, some of the shots barely matchup with their supposed “movie reference” do more research rather than posting crap next time. 1 out of 5.

There was one still from a Simpsons episode on wikipedia where Bart is reaching to grab some cupcakes. It parodies the scene in “A Clockwork Orange” where Alex reaches up to grab the woman’s nipples, but he’s conditioned not to. Of course, to make this comparison, you’d have to show the nudity, and I don’t know if that’s allowed on this site. 😀


Hier findet sich eine exzellente Sammlung von Simpsons-Szenen, die eine Referenz aus “echten” Filmen sind – sehenswert.

[via martins privates blog]…

hi, don’t know if I did not look enough in you website, but I did not find the reference to movie “Terminator II”, with the scene in which Homer chases the car… do you remember?
sorry for my bad english, I am italian



Sencillamente antologico.

!!Enhorabuena al artista que ha tenido la paciencia de buscar las semejanzas!!

You missed one, I for got which episode but the scene when Marge beat up the guy who robbed her was from the first Godfather (scene where Sunny beat up his brother in law).

Hey losers…..this was a HUGE waste of your time! I hope you nerds get your life straight and stop watching the damn simpsons…FAMILY GUY IS #1! WOOOT! GO CANADA!

The cosby show is not a movie, and the first halloween episode is referencing amityville horror, not the shing. Otherwise, amwesome list, dude. Show more, if you can.

The episode where Bart trains the kids in the school to stand up to the bullies had a lot of Patton references. The brigadier general helmet he is wearing is one of those. The cartoon also featured the “echoing horn sound” sample between scenes, which was taken from Patton. Awesome page, thanks!

Bart in the one star army helmet is a reference from the movie ‘Patton’ as are many of the spots from that episode, like the musical cue of the trumpet
(I forget the term) thing. ‘Patton’ with George C Scott, early ’70’s.

We film had forgotten one it
where the Homer enters in the snack bar of the Krusty, she eats a hamburger and its pupil dilata
Vocês esqueceram uma do filme
onde o Homer entra na lanchonete do Krusty , come um hamburguer e sua pupila dilata

There is no another word to define this that is not: excellent… the creators of the Simpons in addition to geniuses are narrators of histories and know to arrive at the popular memory of the group. Successes.

Alter kann ihr auch jemand deutsch ihr assozialen amerikner oder englender ?? … wieso stinkt ihr alle so ? …ach scheise kann ja keiner lesen -.-

I Simpson e il cinema…

Il film dei Simpson arriva proprio questo weekend alla soglia dei quasi 15 milioni di euro di incassi solo nel nostro Paese (risultato veramente ottimo) e, se qualcuno avesse ancora dubbi sullo spessore della famosa saga di cartoni, vi segnaliamo que…

OK, I didn’t see anyone mention this movie, “Trainspotting” (Ewan McGregor as a heroine junkie in Scotland). Bart and Millhouse run around completely sugared up while “Lust for Life” is playing. When they’re going through withdrawal, they’re laying on a bed and you see Maggie crawling across the ceiling, her head twisting around. I laughed so hard my sides hurt.

Excellent work. Well done! This increased my appreciation of The Simpsons, a feat I didn’t think possible!

It’s obviously Chaplin’s dancing fork scene, they have “Sir we are Lawyers from Mr. Chaplain’s estate and we have to ask you to cease and desist…” There are several others, that show may have been Schwartzwelder’s best script so far for getting in references that you have to be about 50 now to have watched the old films on TV when you were a kid. The end scene has Grandpa with the “goodnight Mrs. Bouvier, wherever you are” – which was Jimmy Durrante’s famous signoff (Mrs. Calabash) on radio and in a film or two. As he says it, you just catch a frame of the lawyers running into the scene and then it cuts to the titles.

There another huge reference of “Apocalypse now” in episode 373 (S17E17) “Kiss Kiss, Bang Bangalore”

I never realised how shot for shot the homages could be, Am also suprised. how few there are.

[…] – Insane Base Jumping video: Jumping closer is better. – Are you Left or Right Brained: A quick visual test. I saw both. – Cool convertible jacket to bag: seems ninja like. I want! – Aptera Hybrid Car on pre-order: Jetsons like Hybrid car. – Table Frisbee: The new underground home sport. – A Giant Pink Bunny Doll – iPod Cassette Tape hack: Making your ipod retro cool! – Blobbing: catapult your friends off a blob of air. – USB 3, finally! – A “Simpson’s” Scene to Reference guide. […]

‘The Simpsons’ doesn’t ony reference great film shots – it also sometines copies works of art. I remember a great scene of homer in a corner coffee shop which was a re-enactment of Hopper famous @nighthawks’ picture.

the family tree picture is from the godfather because it says “the corleone family” ;

a imagem da árvore geneológica é do padrinho porque diz em cima “the corleone family” ;

la image del arvoré es del godfather yo lo sei porque en ima disse “the corleone family”

Great little site! I would like to see a little more organization to it. A cross-index would be fantastic, as it would allow people to locate the name of a particular movie or TV show or historical event, then click on it to find out which episodes referenced it and see stills of the spoofs alongside the originals.
I don’t know the episode numbers or names, but I can list a few other references.
Several people guessed wrong or came close on this one: In the episode where Marge is in “Streetcar!” the Ayn Rand School For Tots is a bleak reference to her Constructivist philosophy (Ayn Rand fans could probably pick out specifics. The “A is A” sign on the wall must be a reference.) The Great Escape, of course, is parodied nicely — the end of that sequence, though, is not from “Aliens” (although I can see where that idea came from) but from Hitchcock’s “The Birds,” the final scene where they slo-o-owly go out to the car and leave. Outside the school, we see Hitch himself walking two small dogs — the cameo he has at the beginning of “The Birds.”
In an episode where we see a B/W flashback to Smithers’ failed marriage, with Burns in torn shirt calling to Smithers from a fountain outside his window — that’s from “A Streetcar Named Desire,” with Marlon Brando. “Stella!”
With the exception of some very early episodes, every time Bart and Milhaus get into a fight, the music is from Hitchcock’s “Dial M for Murder.” In the episode where Marge is driving Bart & Milhaus to school and they both brought Peruvian fighting frogs for Show & Tell, the frogs get out and start fighting to the same music, but played on traditional Peruvian instruments.
In a scene where Baby Maggie uses her swimming skills to rescue Homer from drowning, the music we hear is from Richard Rodgers’ score to “Victory at Sea.”
When Barney crashes the Duff blimp into a tower, it references the exploding Hindenburg airship.
When Bart’s army is victorious against Nelson, one kid wraps his arm around Lisa and kisses her, and a camera flash seques into the famous photo of a WWII sailor kissing a woman upon returning home. (Lisa slaps him in disgust, of course!) Earlier in that episode, Bart slaps a kid for being scared, and Grandpa tells him he’s not allowed to do that. That’s an historical reference; Patton once slapped a nervous soldier for “cowardice,” and became the last American officer to do so.
When Mr. Burns acquires Santa’s Little Helper, he shows him a little film that will turn him “into a vicious, soulless killer.” What follows is a “Clockwork Orange” reference, with SLH forced to watch a disjointed clip show set to Beethoven’s 9th. (There’s a clip in there of a man holding a dog by his ears that is supposed to be a reference to something…)
When a law is passed barring children from Springfield (or something like that), we see a group of kids watching dejectedly as something is taken away. Milhaus is in the foreground, his expression growing grotesquely sad. It is the famous “Weeping Frenchman” photograph from WWII.
In the early episode where Bart vows to pass the 4th grade, the end of the “Snow Day” sequence is a reference to a “Currier & Ives” lithograph (quite possibly the same one mentioned in the Leroy Anderson song “Sleighride”).
When Marge walks among the bodies of the hundreds of people who have gotten hurt bouncing on the trampoline, that’s from “Gone With the Wind.”
Other GWTW references: Bart saying “As God is my witness, I will pass the 4th grade!” and Skinner saying “Tomorrow is another school day!”
The fight between Homer and Bart’s “Bigger Brother” is evocative of the brawl from “The Quiet Man.” Little Pepe reminds me of the old comic strip character Dondi, but I’m not sure if this was deliberate.
Homer charging out on a donkey to rescue Marge from a monster truck rally — starts with music from “The Magnificent Seven.” To refuel, Homer chugs beer to the “Popeye” theme, then begins to talk & act like Popeye on spinach. Marge’s helpless screaming and flailing toothpaste arms are pure Olive Oyl.
In the episode where Bart joins the Junior Campers, the $20 bill blowing in the wind is a reference to a movie about a $20 bill that changes peoples’ lives (anyone remember the title?). Bart & Milhaus blow it all on an all-syrup squishee and “go crazy Broadway style!” to a spoof of “New York, New York” from the musical “On the Town.” (Someone caught the “Deliverance” reference later.) At the end, Ernest Borgenine and his group are attacked by Jason from the “Friday the 13th” movies.
Numerous “Star Trek” quotes, usually very blatant. Some of the more “subtle” ones have involved voices of the actors who played on “Trek,” or Willie or Apu making “Scottie”-esque “She’s breakin’ up!” remarks while controlling some overloaded machine. One that I particularly enjoyed was a scene in which Comic Shop Guy meets a beautiful woman at a sci-fi convention. We see her in soft-focus, and hear that eerie “alien cutie” music from the original “Trek” series.
“The Prisoner” references: When Marge escapes from the Movementarians’ compound, a large white balloon bursts out of a lake to chase her (music from “The Prisoner”). The balloon engulfs the hapless Moleman, whose screaming face is revealed beneath the stretching latex. There was also an episode in which Homer (and later the rest of his family) is spirited away to The Village, where Patrick McGoohan reprises his #6 role (only this time he runs The Village).
In the episode where Homer buys a gun, at the very end when Marge surreptitiously salvages the gun from the trash can and swaggers out, it’s a visual and musical quote from the British TV series “The Avengers.”
Near the end of the “Mr. Plow” episode, the Power of God suddenly melts all the snow — and apparently a snow-nazi in a “Raiders of the Lost Ark” spoof (even down to the musical cue). The weird, artsy commercial we see earlier is a spoof on a style of TV commercial popular at the time the episode aired.
In the episode where Homer becomes a “boxer” (just stands there and takes punches) while Moe is his manager, I believe the “climbing the lists” montage set to the “Flower Duet” from Delibes’ “Lakme” is a spoof on “Raging Bull.”
In the soapbox racer episode, Nelson’s vehicle is called “Roadkill 2000,” a take on the movie “Death Race 2000.” His bladed hubcaps are from “Ben Hur.”
In the episode where Homer eats the Guatemalan insanity peppers in the chili cook-off, the whole trip in the desert is straight out of the books of Carlos Castenada.
In the episode “Bart Gets Hit By a Car,” Bart’s near-death experience includes the “Hell” panel from Hieronymus Bosch’s “Garden of Earthly Delights.”
In the episode where Marge participates in a World of Warcraft-type online fantasy game where Bart is an evil knight, we hear music from Prokofiev’s score to “Alexander Nevsky” during a scene where Bart’s character is showing off. (Either that, or we hear it during a “Knight in Armor”-type Army recruitment commercial shown to the students of Springfield Elementary.)
In the episode where Dustin Hoffman plays a substitute teacher (reference to “The Graduate” already spotted), there’s a sub-plot in which Bart and Martin run for class president. When Martin wins the election despite Bart’s popularity, he triumphantly holds up a newspaper that prematurely announces “Simpson Defeats Prince” and gets his picture taken — the famous “Dewey Defeats Truman” photo.
In an episode where Marge joins a book club and gets Helen Fielding to give a talk ragarding “Bridget Jones’ Diary,” she finds to her dismay that nobody else read the book. Ms. Fielding says she doubts that Americans can grasp the subtleties of British wit anyway, and takes her leave — “Benny Hill Show”-style, running in fast-motion to “Yackety Sax.”
Lisa’s poem about Bart destroying her Thanksgiving centerpiece is a reference to Alan Ginsberg’s poem “Howl.”

There’s one to Pink Floyd’s the Wall, when Homer becomes a hippie. Ned is driving, when he sees hammers walking on the streets.

Blog me up, Buttercups…

Blog Roundup, this week in an easy 1 to 10 fashion. This better keep you god damn occupied!
1. Why the media hates Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich.
Did you notice a pattern? Both Paul and Kucinich are against the influence of lobbyists, war profiteers, de…

[…] The first movie I watched was The Graduate.  It’s always interesting to watch the movie that you know you have seen references to, because then other things start to make sense. (Of course, Jeremy is always there to explain what episode of the Simpsons referenced each movie, which is always helpful. And if you don’t have your own personal Jeremy at home, you can check out the reference and the linked scene here.) […]

[…] Bueno, según el amigo de donde saque esta imágenes que les muestro a continuación; hacen referencia a que las escenas de los Simpsons tienen su doble en distintas películas realizadas a través de los tiempos, realidad o mera coincidencia, no lo se!. Pero de que esta interesante esta interesante; pueden encontrar mas de estas comparaciones en la pagina web donde las encontré: simpsons-scenes-and-their-reference-movies […]

The Simpsons are becomming a cult series… They started it all, after the simpsons , there was futurama , south park, family guy…

Yeah, you’ve done a great job here. Pity you can’t list the movie title alongside the image (for dummies like me!). Good stuff. Must of taken you hours!


You forgot the episode where burns is shot and Lisa enters chief wiggums dream to hint at the evidence in the shooting. It’s a reference to an episode of the David Lynch series ‘twin peaks’.

What about when Maggie goes to the Ayn Rand Day Care and they reference The Great Escape. She even gets sent to the “cooler” and throws a ball against the wall of the crib. Also hilarious Ayn Rand jokes on the posters in the background “A is A” and “Sharing is Evil”

waaao, que jevi esas comparaciones, Los Simpson son de lo mejor me encantan y habia notado unas cuantas partes pero no sabian q eran tantas, mi favorita es la Maggie, Homero y la lata de pintura!! como se llama la peli?

cual es el episodio que hace tributo a miseria (película con kathy bates basada en la novela de stephen king)????

[…] 25.7.2009. Abgerufen am 24. August 2009. (Englisch)↑ Stuttgarter Zeitung, 13. Januar 1993↑ Gegenüberstellung von Simpsons-Szenen und zitierten Szenen↑ Sunday’s ‘Simpsons’ Goes HD, Updates Title Sequence (engl.)↑ Nur Gott hat […]

there are also a few more north by northwest references scattered throughout the series. for instance, in the episode marge gets therapy for her fear of flying…

Je ne connaissais pas toutes ces références alors MERCI pour le cours de rattrapage!

The one episode where Lisa grows intelligent life in a petri dish (Treehouse of Horror VII) – is based on Outer Limits. First two episodes of the new 1995 version, called The Sandkings – in turn based on a 1979 George R. R. Martin novelette

[…] geworden ist, kann ja hier gerne mal Stöbern und sich die entsprechenden Filme da mal reintun: “Simpsons” Scenes and their Reference Movies oder hier noch mal weiter das ganze auf Spanisch. Is wie mit Briefmarken, fängt man erstmal an […]

Dammit all. I loved the Simpson’s as a kid and now even more because I can truly appreciate the humor I didn’t understand ad a child. The animation wasn’t wonderful, but the writing was top notch with a wit unmatched by most of all current shows (save for Rick and morty and older seasons of Archer).

But all of that goodwill is destroyed by each and every new episode of the Simpson’s. It’s tired, boring, unfunny, childish and needs to go away. So does family guy. That show was hilarious in its first seasons and then just plain evil and forced after it was brought back.

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