
Gummi Lighthouses: When Candy Design Goes Terribly, Hilariously Wrong [Updated]

Gummi lighthouses
Photo courtesy of Ryland (who has the best sign generator site) and Miss Fipi Lele.

Update: Even more wrong — Hannah Montana Gummi Guitars. What were they thinking?

123 replies on “Gummi Lighthouses: When Candy Design Goes Terribly, Hilariously Wrong [Updated]”

[…] La primera pregunta es…¿Por qué unas gomitas en forma de faros? ¿No había alguna otra forma interesante? casas, perritos, gatitos, manitos, carritos, pipisitos….Ah no, ese también lo hicieron!!! que risa con estas gomitas…no las lleven a ninguna fiesta de cumpleaños puede ser controversial…btw, este es link pa’ que vean más:… […]

[…] Wrong » The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century : Joey deVilla’s Personal Blog » Gummi Lighthouses: When Candy Design Goes Terribly, Hilariously Wrong » The Adventures of Accord…: “Gummi Lighthouses: When Candy Design Goes Terribly, Hilariously […]

Hey just wanna let all you guys and gals know that I work for the Christmas Tree Shops and I see these penises everyday. Might I add they taste really good.

MMMmmmmmm Gummi Lighthouses. Is that light coming out of the top of the lighthouse? I bet those are delicious to put in your mouth! Do they melt in your mouth?

Future offerings include Gummi Mountain Range (with just 2 peaks), Gummi Peach, Gummi Lips…

And their ad tagline is “What?”

Something tells me the next line; will have a juicy center that explodes when you bite to hard

I’ve heard the recommendation “Eat a bag of dicks” before, but never so literally.

So? Whats the punch line ?

I dont get it ??

Whats wrong with a candy light house ?

I’m sure this is one of those things where the underling saw what the gummy implied when it popped out of the mold, but sent it right down on the conveyor belt thinking “Eh, no one will notice.”

There’s another double entendre for Scandinavians, as “gummi” means “rubber”. You know, the colloquialism for a prophylactic sheath.

How can I get some of the gummi lighthouses ? I live in Texas & Christmas Tree Shops wont ship. Need for a sister in law in WI who said she’d trqde me some “Nude Beach Beer” (made by Point Brewery in Stevens Point, WI)

my dad forwards the most useless wastes of time; …..and little else in the way of anything personal unless…he’s pissed. So here’s this crap now. Gee, how are you son how’s your life going?….NOPE. hey Dad, oblicatory fart joke! and with boobs! yippee! seriously i love u

“Gummi Lighthouses: When Candy Design Goes Terribly, Hilariously Wrong.” Or very right…

Well I wish we got stuff like this in Texas, Wal-Mart should distribute these since nobody at Mill Farm or Christmas Tree Shops could see that they were making people pay 1.99 for a bag of colored dicks these would be what i bring to parties

“DBJ July 6, 2008 at 1:30 pm

Good thing those aren’t hard candies…”

strange thing is, when you suck on them they become hard candies…

If you live in Texas you can buy Lighthouse Gummies at the Grapevine Mills Mall in Grapevine, TX. They sell them at the King of Sweets candy stand close to the Nike Factory Store.

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