
The ignorants abroad, or someone needs to tell MSNBC that Czechoslovakia is so two decades ago

msnbc map with czechoslovakia

MSNBC’s map of Ukraine and surrounding countries.
Click the photo to see the world ignorance at full size.

Yesterday, in its coverage of the crisis there, MSNBC showed a map of Ukraine and the countries surrounding it, including one that hasn’t existed in 21 years. Their map features Czechoslovakia, which split into two countries in 1993: the Czech Republic and Slovakia. If MSNBC is trying to rehabilitate the image of the “ignorant American”, they’re not helping.

In case you need a refresher course, here’s a map of central Europe:

map of central europe

Click the map to see it at full at full size.

One reply on “The ignorants abroad, or someone needs to tell MSNBC that Czechoslovakia is so two decades ago”

To their credit at least they list “Ukraine” instead of the anachronistic “the Ukraine” that I keep hearing thrown around. I keep wanting to yell: IT HAS BEEN A COUNTRY SINCE 1991! LOSE THE “THE”.

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