It Happened to Me

Blog Anniversaries

According to BoingBoing, Tom Coates’ blog, will celebrate its fifth anniversary on Monday. Cory also notes that BoingBoing will be five years old in January. Meg Hourihan’s blog will turn five next May, but two months before that,  Jason Kottke’s blog will turn seven. Dave Winer’s blog will turn eight, which in weblog terms is like an Old testament lifetime.

The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century is not quite as long-lived; it got its start on November 10th, 2001.

Not counting this one, I have posted 3,194 articles and my photo albums

hold 1,042 photos. Since moving to Blogware, I’m at 3,093 comments;

this unfortunately does not include the comments made when my blog was Blogger-based and I used Enetation

to handle my comments. I’ve gone from around a thousand pageviews a

month — this blog got a lot of visitors to Cory’s linking to the entry

titled Breach of Security

— to being just shy of a quarter-million. I know it’s a bit early to

say so, but thanks for your readership over the past three years!

8 replies on “Blog Anniversaries”

Question: Does reading your RSS feed count as a page hit? I am curious because I typically read your blog through the feed, and am guessing I am not alone, so how accurate is your page hit count?

Question: Does reading your RSS feed count as a page hit? I am curious because I typically read your blog through the feed, and am guessing I am not alone, so how accurate is your page hit count?

11/21/97 is the first post I have that’s survived all the conversions. I’m not sure of the exact starting date, but that wasn’t my first post. Sadly, the Internet Archive didn’t scrape my old site for the first time until 1999, even though I’d started putting up content in 1995. But it was a home page back then, not a blog.

Dang kids. Get off my lawn.

when i visited this blog back, i read the theory of the author and his peers. i think i agree with that theory that we need to live this life for a high rating as a show in tv. 🙂

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