It Happened to Me


(0100 is one possible binary representation of the number 4.)

Mathew Hoy at HellaBoss got tagged to make a few lists of four items. He then tagged Grant Hutchison at splorp, who made his lists. Grant then tagged John Martz at RobotJohnny, who made his lists. Johnny tagged Deenster at pony, who made her lists and then tagged me.

It’s my turn now, so here goes:

Four Jobs I’ve Had

Four Movies I Can Watch Over and Over

Four Places I have Lived

Four Television Shows I Love to Watch

Four Places I Have Been on Vacation

Four of My Favourite Dishes

Four Websites I Visit Daily

Four Places I Would Rather Be Right Now

Four People I am Now Tagging to Prepare the Same Lists

3 replies on “0100”

Impossible! I just arrived, started reading this list, envied your time in Japan (amongst other things) and thought to myself… this is like the wonderful Woody Allen list (you know the one where he talks into the tape recorder? “Cezanne’s apples and pears, the noodles at Sam Woo’s, Louis Armstrong’s Potato Head Blues … Tracy’s face). This is so granular! I love it. If only the SNS/DLA developers would read the really good ones and get a clue (stop being so materialistic ….). I would love to take part.

– Mel / Chandrasutra

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