
Photos I Found While Waiting For My Programs to Compile

Osama’s Makeover,
or “I Kiss You!!!”

CNN and ABC news are talking about the US armed forces’ latest psyops action: flying over The ‘Stan and air-dropping leaflets sporting a Photoshopped image of a clean-shaven, Westernized bin Laden with the text “The murderer and coward has abandoned you.”

Looking at the photo, the muderer and coward has run away and turned himself into Mahir “I Kiss You” Cagri!

Quite a likeness, eh? And don’t you just love the Ricardo-Montalban-from-Fantasy-Island suit?

You know that some kind of donut-holder accessory is coming soon…

While New Year’s Eve is still topical, take a gander at this photo of Boston cops trying out their brand new toys while keeping the peace at the First Night celebrations:

Personally, I think the last thing the officer in the middle needs is some machine that’ll do the walking for him.

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