
Although weekends aren’t all that different from weekdays for the unemployed.

Art Imitates Life

Well, I’ll be. Dilbert got sacked a day before I did! (My friend Ryan e-mailed me about this earlier today).

Monday, January 7: “I walk among them but I am not one of them”.

Tuesday, January 8: “But…I’ll have to interact with people who know I’ve been downsized.”

Wednesday, January 9: Unemployment gets you chicks!

Thursday, January 10: A new situation calls for a new look.

Friday, January 11: Looking for work.

Saturday, January 12: Customer service.

“Some people claim that our biz dev’s to blame / but I know / it’s the VC’s fault…”

My friend George Scriban has a new blog, called Radio Blogaritaville, in which he comments about “The Industry”. It’s a great read that follows the three C’s of snarky industry journalism: concise, correct and caustic. Dave Winer says that it “could win the prize for best named blog next year if it sticks around.” Personally, I think The Register should hire him as their “man in New York“. Go read it now, or wallow in the filth of your ignorance.

Joey deVilla

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