
The Anti-Bloggie Alliance

Nick Mark’s blog, Naked Pope: The Movie, has an even dumber title than mine. He won an Anti-Bloggie award last year for — you guessed it — “Dumbest Name”, and he wants to win it again this year. He’s willing to let me have “Best Heterosexual Blog” and “Weblog of the Millennium” — he just wants “Dumbest Name”. In the spirit of cooperation between bloggers-in-arms, I have decided to join with him in a unified Anti-Bloggie campaign.

So I’m asking you to vote in the Anti-Bloggies and enter Naked Pope: The Movie ( for Dumbest Name and The Adventures of AccordionGuy in the 21st Century ( for Best Heterosexual Blog and Weblog of the Millennium. And while you’re at it, check out Naked Pope: The Movie for all your disrobed pontiff reading.

The offer for the cookies still stands, but now you have to vote for both Nick and me.

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