
Yet Another Anti-Bloggie Promo

Vote for The Adventures of AccordionGuy in the 21st Century as the best…hetero…site…ever!

You want proof? You got proof, baby:

Go to......the Anti-Bloggies site...

...( vote!

Vote this blog for...Best Heterosexual Blog and Blog of the Millenium,

Naked Pope: The Movie for Dumbest Name,and Salad with Steve for Most Likely To Eat A Cheese Sandwich

I’m the Thrilla from Manila. All that, and I’m queer-positive too! Straight but not narrow, as it were!

Now go to the Anti-Bloggies voting page and vote for me now!

Salad With Steve for “Most Likely To Eat A Cheese Sandwich”!

My friend and former co-worker, Steve Jenson (who now works for Blogger, making all that wonderful Blogger Pro goodness) wants his blog, Salad With Steve to win the Anti-Bloggie for “Most Likely To Eat A Cheese Sandwich”. Steve’s a stand-up guy and I know him well enough to say that yes, he is quite likely to eat a cheese sandwich. So please go to the Anti-Bloggies voting page and vote for:

  • The Adventures of AccordionGuy in the 21st Century for “Best Heterosexual Blog” and “Blog Of The Millennium”
  • Naked Pope: The Movie for Dumbest Name
  • Salad With Steve for “Most Likely To Eat A Cheese Sandwich”

My life as a snow cone vendor (or, a ploy to get more votes for the Anti-Bloggies with actual content!)

Of course, hitting you over and over with requests for votes wouldn’t be any good if I didn’t do something nice for you in return, would it?

I happen to have a story I haven’t told in a while. It’s a story that some long-time friends haven’t heard — my friend Leesh, for example, whom I’ve known for over ten years. She wrote to me, expressing surprise that I drove a snow cone truck in 1985. Her hubby George remarked that there was “some illegality and a lesbian” might have been involved.

He’s mostly right.

Story tomorrow.

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