Some random stuff while I’m waiting for the compiler to finish

Cory in tha house!

We have a house guest for the next week or so here at Stately Accordion Manor: the one and only Good Reverend Doctor Cory Doctorow, award-winning auteur, bOINGbOING editor, freedom fighter, chain smoker and minister of some mail-order chruch or another. He’s in town to attend Ad Astra, the sci-fi conference and enjoy some time away from a slowly disintegrating city where they poop on the streets.

Welcome, Cory!

Ay, there’s the rub

A number of people with some very wide-open personal boundaries have started a website where they can log each time they’ve masturbated. Apparently they have accounts on a server, and they record each wank by logging in and then entering the command

touch .myself

(For the non-geeky, touch is a UNIX command that changes the “last modified” date of a file to the current date and time.)

The site displays its information in many interesting ways. For instance, December 2001 was the biggest month for masturbation (dammit, I knew that menorahs and Christmas trees were just too damned phallic!), and one guy named “Preppyboi” must be a serious juice machine, masturbating an average of once every two hours!

As I wrote earlier, it would be wrong of me to say they have too much time on their hands. But I’m sure they have too much something on their hands!

These people clearly have too much cat on their hands


That’s one huge cat. Perhaps too large to fit into a wok.

Don’t forget the Golden Rule of Comedy: morbidly obese cat + Photoshop = HIGH-LARIOUS!

I wonder if John Ashcroft would freak out if he saw Tubcat.

See all this and more at Tubcat’s site!

(Big thanks to Chris for telling me about the roly-poly kitty.)

Joey deVilla

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