
Great Canadian minds with some kind of connection to Korea think alike

I’m a hard-drinkin’ heavy-thinkin’ Canadian blogger with a silly pseudonym and a Korean brother-in-law! He’s a hard-drinkin’ heavy-thinkin’ Canadian blogger with a silly pseudonym (stavrosthewonderchicken) and lives in Korea! Together, they photo-edit WWII posters!

Each of us made our poster — here’s his, here’s mine — independently, neither one knowing that the other was doing exactly the same thing. We were both inspired by SomethingAwful’s collection of photo-edited WWII posters.

Here’s another coincidence: Stavros’ secretary is named AccordionGuy and my secretary is named stavrosthewonderchicken. Good thing neither of us is going to the theatre or Dallas…

(By the way, go read his blog, It’s good.)

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