
The gorgeousness continues

It’s another summer-like day here in T-dot.

For those of you who’ve never been to Casa di AccordionGuy, the entire south wall of my bedroom/office/pleasure dome is glass — a wall-sized window and a glass door leading to the back deck. I’ve got the back door propped open so that I can catch some of the nice air outside as I type this. Once I get the back deck cleaned up, I should be able to take the laptop out there and even have wireless Internet connectivity, thanks to our AirPort. I’m at the computer with Flaresound’s Deep Beats on the sound system and a lemonade in my hand. For an unemployed guy, I live pretty well.

Actually, I’m not quite unemployed anymore. Today marks my first steps into the Land of PDA Development (that’s PDA as “Personal Digital Assistant“, not “Public Display of Affection“). It’s also my return to contract work, something which paid my bills between 1997 and 2000. Dave Groff, a friend of mine as well as one of the partners and creative directors at the first place I worked after graduating (Mackerel Interactive Multimedia — here’s a story Cory wrote about the place), dropped me a line the other day. I’m now on contact to develop some apps for him, the first one being some kind of Palm application for a drug company. I’ll be doing it in NS Basic, and I’ll write about my experiences with it soon.

Those daily trips to the gym are beginning to pay off. My pants seem a little bit looser and the accordion sure feels a lot lighter. Two months ago, I’d have called you insane had you told me I’d be hitting the weight room every other day. I may have to cultivate an accent like Arnie’s.

I just had a phone conversation with a cute girl who makes me laugh more than anyone in recent memory.

It’s good to be the king.

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