
Thirsty People of Toronto

Last night’s Thirsty People of Toronto gathering took place at Toronto’s grubby-but-oh-so-fun Sneaky Dee’s. A night of drinking, conversation, nachos and Scrabble are precisely what the doctor ordered.

I’d like to send a special shout-out to Bridget — she heard my plea for help in an earlier entry and PayPalled me some money to buy beer — you’re the best!

Photo: Nikki, Peter and Charles pose like Dr. Evil.

Could we perhaps get a pitcher of eeeevil beer? Nikki, Peter and Charles strike the TPT cliched pose of the week.

Photo: This is a great shot of Trish. So great I need to be alone with it for a while.

Daaaaaamn. Trysh is back from Mexico!

Photo: Me enjoying a butterscotch ripple shot.

Ah, sweet liquor…eases the pain. One of the TPTers bought all our tables a round of butterscotch ripple shots.

Photo: Kate, Lex and Nikki get ready to play Scrabble.

“Mr. deVilla, your Scrabble tiles await you…” Nikki summons me to the Scrabble table while Kate and Lex look on.

Photo: The Scrabble letters I was given: D, D, L, L, N, N, U.

My Scrabble letters. The Gods of Randomness are having a little fun with me, I think.

Photo: The Scrabble board in mid-game. The words: quays, waster, jet, jug, fur, ahems, bred, entwine.

We’re an erudite bunch, aren’t we? “Quays” was mine.

Photo: Kate peers from over the Official Scrabble Dictionary.

“‘Strewth” is a word, I tell you!” Kate’s arrived from Australia about a month ago, and I could swear that half the “Austalian” words she uses are just made up.

Photo: Charles licks his shot glass while Sandra holds it for him.

Check this out, ladies! Charles is always looking for ways to tastefully show off his tongue dexterity.

Photo: Trish drinks tea and shows us her 'arched eyebrow' look.

Trysh shows her civilised side. No Greco-Roman wrestling this week, and not even a drop of alcohol! Once she recovers from last week’s vacation in Mexico, I’m sure we’ll have our hard-drinkin’, hard-playin’ Trysh back.

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