
Kick Ass Karaoke tonight

Yes, today isn’t the Wednesday closest to the middle of the month, but Kick Ass Karaoke, the most rock-and-roll karaoke night in town is tonight! It’s at the Bovine Sex Club (Queen, about half a block east of Bathurst). Not only will there be karaoke, there’ll also be a Thirsty People of Toronto gathering at the same time!

If you come you’ll be greeted by mean-looking but friendly bouncers…

Photo: Tommy, one of the bouncers at the Bovine Sex Club.

…your host, Mr. Carson T. Foster…

Photo: Carson, on his knees, wearing only a pair of black underwear.

…cute women…

Photo: The girls from Sunni Choi -- Sandi, Karin, Julie, Tara -- rock the mics.

…and dapper gentlemen,…

Photo: The gentlemen of the establishment. Mike

…among whom is Yours Truly.

Photo: Me doing 'Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap'

Won’t you come out and play?

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