
Harry Potter: just another pampered jock?

Graphic: Caricature of Harry Potter.

Big Wizard on Campus. “Screw Bertie Botts’ any-flavour beans — I want John Labatt’s ever-full kegs!”

“Harry Potter is a sexist neo-conservative autocrat.” — Pierre Bruno, Liberation

(Keep in mind that Pierre Bruno is French, where they prefer their sexist autocrats to be neo-liberal.)

While Ron Weasley is really the more courageous one and Hermione is the better wizard by far, Harry gets all the glory (and if he eventually gets some damned testosterone, all the ladies — assuming, of course, he is straight. He may not be — don’t British men secretly want to be with other British men?).

Why? Because his parents are Hogwarts’ star alumni, he has powerful connections with the faculty, he’s a rich white kid and he’s the sports star of the school. In other words, he’s a jock with a broom.

An article in Slate expands on this idea, as does this book, The Irresistible Rise of Harry Potter.

We may have to start a Draco Malfoy fan club.

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