
Random stuff, with photos!

Joe and Bridget came to town over the weekend and I took them around on Saturday night. Here’s a photo of them enjoying the dark gothic sounds on the dancefloor at Savage Garden.

Photo: Joe and Bridget dancing at Savage Garden.

Saturday night with Joe and Bridget. The tour consisted of Smokeless Joe, Bovine Sex Club, Velvet Underground, Savage Garden and the Vatikan.

Jish was in town on Monday and held a little gathering at Pauper’s Pub with the GTABloggers. I was too busy conversing to take many pictures — in fact, I got only this one shot. Good thing it’s a good one:

Photo: A smoochie-smoochie photo with Jish in the middle and Liz and Jen to either side.

Damn, it’s good to be the king. Jish is surrounded by his adoring fans, Liz and Jen.

I’ve been spending my days chasing down work for the new year and sharpening my MAD PROGAMMING SKILLZ. Here’s what my work environment looks like.

Photo: My desk featuring Windows machine, two Handspring Visors, cell phone and iBook.

Where the software magic happens. Nah, I just use these machines to tell dirty jokes on IRC.

One of the cool things about Toronto is the fact that the city sets up bike racks all over the place. You can even send requests to city planning fi you feel that a certain block doesn’t have enough.

The downside of bike racks is that they can scratch your bike’s paint job. Fortunately for those people who have to park their bikes on the north side of Queen Street West just west of Soho (in front of the Lush store), someone’s knitted wool cosys for three of the racks.

Photo: Bike rack with knitted wool cosy on Queen Street West.

Bike rack cosy. Only on Queen Street West!

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