That’s right — tonight, HGTV is broadcasting my Love By Design episode, Modern Classics in a Brick-Walled Loft:
Cabaret singers have ignited the hearts of many a lonely guy over the centuries, and we’re guessing that our guest Linda is no different. She’ll get to sing the blues, though, if she doesn’t pick her musical soul mate out of these three melodic fellows. The first is a witty squeezebox player with more than his fair share of designer furniture, the second is a guy whose space is filled with great finds from his antique hunter mom and the third is a serious composer and arranger who has a beautiful meditative space.
It’s been aired three or four times last year, but I’ve never actually seen my episode. Let’s all watch it for the first time tonight!
If you’ve never heard of the show, here’s its premise: it’s like The Dating Game, except instead of a bachelorette interviewing three bachelors, she looks at where they live. Based on that, she chooses one guy, she and the interior decorator host re-make the place, and then they meet! As with dating shows, where the best ones are where they go terribly, terribly wrong, Love by Design is probably banking on the fact that single men often live like pigs and hoping that hilarity will ensue.
I got on the show because I knew one of the people on the production crew (my friend Krista, whose alter-ego is Montreal’s uber-cute keyboard ska queen Lederhosen Lucil). She told them that I was a computer programmer by profession, which no doubt brought to mind visions of decor like this:
Oh, were they in for a surprise!
What does my place look like? Am I just as goofy on TV as I am on my blog? Did I get picked? You’ll have to tune in to find out. It’s on HGTV tonight at 10:30 p.m. EST and again at 1:30 a.m. EST.
Another Sunday, another “picdump!” Here are 200+ memes, pictures, and cartoons floating around the internet…
A Swedish TV program labelled Vladimir Putin as “President USA.” My thoughts on this:
[ The original version of this article is incorrect, so I’m substituting its content with…
A reminder: kakistocracy means “a state or society governed by its least suitable or competent…
Le Figaro, a daily newspaper in France that’s been around since 1826, has published an…
Another Sunday, another “picdump!” Here are 200+ memes, pictures, and cartoons floating around the internet…