
This one’s for Matt

This pair of photos is a long time coming. Matt “Black Belt” Jones, International Man of User Experience, came to visit Accordion City a few weeks ago, we took him out on Queen Street West. At long last, I’m finally posting the photos as promised.

Photo: Paul, me and Matt Jones at the Bovine Sex Club.

Left to right: Paul Baranowski, Yours Truly and Matt Jones. Yes, folks, these are the faces making tomorrow’s technology today!

Photo: Andrea Poptsis, Matt Jones and a pixelated-out New Girl.

Left to right: Andrea Poptsis, Matt Jones, and eek! New Girl! Matt: “Spider-sense…tingling…”

I gave New Girl the electronic obscurity treatment so when you finally see her being chased and tackled on Cops, you’ll recognize her.

Matt, do you always scowl for the camera?

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