
Other people’s takes on the MuchMusic appearance

Once again, I’m busy with work, but that doesn’t mean I’ve left you with nothing to read.

Here’s an account from my friend Helen, who came to the studio to see the performance. Helen lives in London, England and is here in Accordion City for the summer. She’s my personal advisor on all matters British and part of my all-female volunteer squad of potential girlfriend background-checkers — just like Colonel Khadafy’s bodyguard squad! — who size up anyone before I’m allowed to date them. I didn’t form this elite cadre; they formed themselves after the New Girl Incident.

Meryle also came to see the show live and mentioned it a couple of times in her blog.

My friend Diana was also at the show and sent this writeup to everyone on the Thirsty People of Toronto mailing list:

Well, here’s a recap. First there is the line up outside — a CityTV staple. A bunch of teenagers stand out on the street or sit on the ledge. I am standing out on Queen Street, too. I haven’t stood still on Queen Street for any length of time since back in the days when I had no money to do anything else. Two guys try to sell manicure kits for $5 bucks to everyone going by. A guy in khaki’s sits on his coat with a sign that says “I’m only $3 short of taking over the world. Please help.” Everyone outside the studio is looking cool, waiting for the sign.

I feel a bit strange, being the only person who has broken 18 years old in this crowd. The guy in front of me turns to me and says he is high. He always stands in lines when he is high. Then he never knows where he’ll end up. Then into the building — all coats must be checked. Cameras are okay to bring in but not coats or purses — they don’t look good in the shot.

Then we are ushered into the “Street Level Studio” where the show hosts Jenn and Rick rehearsing their intro. Joey is warming up in his oh-so-posh swivel chair, sporting striped pants, an American dollar tie and the obligatory black shirt. There is an “audience rehearsal”, where we practiced being a good audience. Screaming and being enthusiastic. The teenaged girls did a better job than me.

Now we are live. After a few segments, Jenn and Rick introduce The Accordion Guy. Joey says the entire month of June is National Accordian Awareness Month (who knew!). Jenn and Rick are impressed and give the floor to Joey.

The Accordion Guy wastes no time. He reels in the crowd with a skillful intro then belts out the song he came there to sing: Avril Lavigne’s Sk8r Boi. Everyone working in the studio stops to check it out. When they realize he is singing Avril, they smile and applaud. Me, too. It is excellent. Joey wraps up the song with an accordion flourish and much applause. He talks about doing the song and being on Much, then he plays a tune to take the section to commercial.

Well done, Joey!

Thanks, guys!

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