The look and feel of the blog — as well as some features — are going to be erratic for the next little while. Those are the risks when one is a test pilot, but what better way to give Blogware a thorough shake-down than with a reasonably popular blog?
Some notes:
1. Yeah, I know the timestamps attached to my posts are off. Not much I can do about that. I’m not on the development team, so all I can do is go to the “Settings” page and see that I’ve already selected my time zone. I’ll file a bug report.
2. Requiring an account just so you can tag your comments with your name and URL sucks. I agree with the many people who’ve sent me email and instant messages about this one, and I’m going to fight like a pit bull for that feature.
3. Where are the accordion graphics? I just haven’t had time to make new ones that fit with the site’s cleaner look.
4. Archives. For the time being, archives that predate July 2003 can still be found in my old Blogger-based blog at I will be working on an open source tool to move my old Blogger entries to Blogware and make it available to anyone who wants it (that is, once it’s working and once Blogware’s out of beta). I’ll even blog the process and my design notes, seeing as I’ll probably do it in Python and not touchy-feely “let’s hear our inner voice” you-can-tell-what-I-had-for-lunch Perl.
5. Those slice-of-life stories, including the actual worst date of the Worst Date Ever series. Between the new job, wrapping up my freelance clients, housemate hunting, an upcoming wedding and so on, I’ve been trying to squeeze out enough time to finish the story. the wait will be worth it.
9 replies on “Teething pains”
Walk over to developer’s area, with ice-cold case of (Jolt | Coke | Beer). Say, “Whoever fixes my bug first, gets this case of (Jolt | Coke | Beer)”. Step back as volunteers run / wheel their way over.
1.) Change your offset. Log into your control panel. Click on your username (top left) and then select the right time zone. Done.
2.) We’re in pre-release. Be nice.
3.) I have some to spare if you want.
4.) I’ve got extra’s of these as well. Be nice to PERL or I’ll make you evangelise PASCAL.
5.) Speaking of squeezing things out, you really should make better use of your new WiFi capabilities.
1. I did that earlier this afternoon: went to settings, set time zone to “eastern”, saved and then posted. No change.
Did it later this afternoon, and it worked.
2. But of course. I just wanted to make that opinion very clear.
3. Send ’em over!
4. I’ll take Pascal over Perl any day. Pascal was my first programming language.
5. You mean like porn?
I’d do that, but the dev team is in a different country. Hell, they’re on a different continental plate!
the blog’s now unreadable at toronto public library terminals. Whatever version of Netscape is being used by the TPL, simply quits outright if this blog is called up.
(previously, at, the blog would start loading, then display a ‘could not be displayed’ type of error. this was gotten around by hitting ‘stop’ before the page was fully loaded.)
Hmmm…the libraries may be using Netscape 4, which will go down in history as the flakiest of all the browsers.
Let’s see if it’s just my blog or if it’s all Blogware blogs. If you’re at the library anytime soon, could you see if loads?
ok so how do i get an account so i can post with my name?
Account signup page:
The “Previous:” and “Next:” links are misleading. Next takes you back in time, and Previous takes you forward.
I’d suggest changing the names to Later and Earlier.