Categories: Geek

ASP.NET programmers — what’s your programming language of choice?

Or, more accurately, what’s the programming language mandated by your company: Visual Basic .NET or C#? And what’s the size of your company (small — 1 to 10 / medium — 11 to 100 / large — 101 or more)?

Let me know in the comments.

Joey deVilla

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  • We let people use either. The object model is unified so I dont care. I can link an assembly written in any .NET language to software written in any .NET language.

    There is even a feature in VB.NET that is *not* in C# that we find very useful - late binding.

    We are a small company.


  • We use VB, although occasionally we'll integrate a control written in C# and work with it.

    We're really small - 2 guys.



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