
Catching up on my reading

You know, for a guy who carries a Powerbook around a good chunk of the time, a digital camera most of the time, writes his own Palm software, and maintains a blog, I’m a little behind on my geeky must-reads. Luckily, as I settle into full-time work and move away from freelance — which actually seems to be giving me more free time, I’ll be able to do some catching up on…

I’m also catching up on my popular culture criticism reading:


The Devil’s Dictionary, version 2.0

First, there was Amborse Bierce’s The Devil’s Dictionary, and later, Stan Kelley-Bootle’s computer-related twist, The Devil’s DP Dictionary. Now, Greg Knauss has created The Devil’s Dictionary 2.0, a lovely skewering of terms you’ve heard in the blogosphere (he even dumps on the term blogosphere!). He seems to be adding new entries whenever the inspiration strikes.

Some examples:

Anti-Idiotarian, noun: Idiot. “That Eric Raymond is quite an anti-idiotarian.”

BigCo, noun: A successful software company.

blogosphere, noun: An poisonous environment of methane, self-satisfaction and other hot gasses. “The only creatures that can survive in the blogosphere are low-order molds, able to feed off the waste of others.”

flash mob, noun: An impromptu gathering, organized by means of electronic communication, of the unemployed.

This one is my favourite:

social software, noun: Any arbitrary collection of algorithms, protocols and metadata that allows friendless agoraphobics to pretend otherwise. “I’m having trouble deciding which node in my social software network I’m going to ask to the e-prom.”

Recommended Reading

Here’s the etymology of the non-word Anti-Idiotarian.

Dave Winer likes to throw around the term BigCo, which is a conglomeration of Big and Company.


They’re trying to make Astroboy!

From the Japan Times:

Japanese researchers in robot technology are advocating a grand project, under which the government would spend 50 billion yen a year over three decades to develop a humanoid robot with the mental, physical and emotional capacity of a 5-year-old human.

The researchers believe the Atom Project, inspired by the popular robot animation series “Tetsuwan Atom” [known here in North America as Astroboy — Joey] by the late cartoonist Osamu Tezuka, would help promote scientific and technological advances in Japan, just like the U.S. Apollo Project, which not only succeeded in landing men on the moon but contributed to a broad range of technological breakthroughs.

I wonder if this robot will have machine guns in his butt, just like Astroboy did.


Here be spoilers

I saw Freddy Vs. Jason on Monday. Not because I was planning on seeing it, but because I got invited, last-minute style, by friends I hadn’t seen in a while: Ed Leung and Mike Wise (yes, as in the CBC reporter), two friends of mine from Crazy Go Nuts University, and Ed’s girlfriend Jenn.

I have this to report about the movie:

  • In my opinion, the fight between Freddy and Jason ends in a draw.
  • Those are precious brain cells and moments of my life I will never get back.


…to Doc Searls, the adult supervision of the blogosphere. His mom passed away yesterday at the age of 90. My heart and prayers go out to him and his family.


ASP.NET programmers — what’s your programming language of choice?

Or, more accurately, what’s the programming language mandated by your company: Visual Basic .NET or C#? And what’s the size of your company (small — 1 to 10 / medium — 11 to 100 / large — 101 or more)?

Let me know in the comments.


I would like this for my birthday, please…

Photo: 'Twister' duvet cover.