Please allow me to introduce Accordion Video #3 (620K Quicktime video), which is an attempt to determine what would happen if The White Stripes were to drop lead vocal/guitarist/ex-husband Jack White and replace him with the ghost of Maurice Chevalier.
To get into the mood, I drank most of a bottle of Dubonnet Red prior to recording the video. I opted to use the “musette” settings on the accordon to give it that extra-Frenchy sound.
The video was shot in my dining room on Friday night after dinner, watching my appearance on Living Romance on the W Network and lots of drinking.
You can’t see my housemate Paul in the shot, as he was slumped over the chair to my left, after having one too many sloppily-mixed Tequila-and-margarita-mix somethings. In Paul’s case, “one too many” often means “two”. We gotta toughen that boy up.
Special thanks to Meryle for handling the camera. She’s also in the video. You’ll know her when you see her.