
First Annual Post a Picture of a Cat to Your Blog Day! (Or: How John Ashcroft sees cats)

The preparations for BloggerCon are keeping me busy, but not so busy that I can’t fulfill my obligation to post a picture of a cat on my blog. You’ll need the Shockwave Flash plug-in to see the kitty picture below, but it’ll be worth the download.

Photo: Evil kitty with glowing eyes.

Click the picture to see the horror. Warning: This picture made some kids cry. Parents, put the kids to bed before you click.

(This image is an old one, originally shown on the now-defunct

Enough to make you believe that these creatures actually do suck the breath from babies, eh?

8 replies on “First Annual Post a Picture of a Cat to Your Blog Day! (Or: How John Ashcroft sees cats)”

Ooooh! You know I absolutely cannot resist an URL with the word “crazybikerchick” in it!

You couldn’t guess that it might be creepy from the still photo?

All the same, I’ll put a disclaimer up. I don’t want little kids crying on my account.

So if the pictures make you laugh instead of cry, does that mean your a bad person…..

Great site!!!

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