
Boss Ross on Blogware

My boss, Ross Rader, Tucows’ Director of Research and Innovation, writes about Blogware on the Blogware home page (which is itself a Blogware blog).

Blogware, as I mentioned earlier, is being sold to ISPs and hosting services, because that’s Tucows’ business: providing tools so that ISPs and hosting services can do their thing. Here’s Ross:

It was built specifically to deal with the needs of ISPs and webhosters. Before Blogware service providers had three choices:

1. Buy an expensive license to a centralized content management system that would facilitate bloghosting

2. Do a separate installation for each user

3. Refer all sales to a third party and just give up on taking a cut.

None of these options are particularly attractive.

Blogware handles this a little bit differently. First, it is a completely outsourced application. We handle the heavy lifting, the day to day management and administration of the infrastructure and all future development of the application code. This leaves our partners room to focus on important things like customer service, marketing and their core business. Second, the service was built to scale to meet the needs of a very demanding market. Need to set up 5000 blogs in the next 24 hours? No problem. Have a user that wants 100gb of storage and bandwidth to match? Piece of cake. Need to make sure that all of it is secure? Already taken care of.

The whole article is here.

In the meantime, I’m working on the online docs. Expect great things.

One reply on “Boss Ross on Blogware”

Problem with the XML on that blog. There’s an unescaped ampersand, so it doesn’t parse. Neither of the “Syndicate” buttons works. Just thought you’d want to know.

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