It Happened to Me


Just for counting’s sake, the entry prior to this one was number 300 since moving to Blogware.

I have no idea how many entries there are in my old blog, but they date back to November 11, 2001.

Here are some articles from the old blog that you might’ve missed:

  • The con man comes a-knockin’. Once upon a time, a guy posing as a new neighbour in distress conned me and my housemate out of 80 bucks. Three months later, in what is either supreme testicular fortitude or forgetfulness, he visits my house again and manages to con my housemates out of 80 bucks and a lift.
  • Fourteen new year’s eves. A Chronicle of my New Year’s Eves from December 31, 1988 to December 31, 2001. Tales of sneaking into clubs, sneaking out of pubs, getting ethnic on somebody’s ass and how accordions can come in handy when you’re being mugged.
  • Elegy. This is probably not what happened when I got sacked from OpenCola, but it’s funny.
  • One helluva Saturday night. A fun evening all around.
  • Stagette. I always knew that someday the accordion would get me invited into a limo full of pretty women and that hilarity would ensue.
  • Sacrelicious! A one-act play in which God, Moses and Jesus mix it up telling the story of Creation. It may be offensive to some readers, and there’s one particularly painful Buddha double-entendre. I’m hoping some Unitarian church out there turns it into a puppet show.
  • The accidental go-go dancer. I walk into a dance club as a guy with an accordion and walk out as their new bartop go-go dancer. Kind of like Coyote Ugly, but with an accordion.
  • That Syd, what a mensch! I have the best fucking accountant in the world.
  • The Star-Spangled Banner and anal sovereignty. The accordion literally saves my ass at U.S. Customs.
  • Now it can be told. On occasion, I do have dates that go right. Really.

2 replies on “#300”

Read the New Year’s post…your life is much more exciting than mine. The year you were here in Boston, I was living in Ohio, even! It was however one of the best New Year’s Eves of my life, despite its being spent with a big crowd of Procter & Gamble middle managers. I told you my life is boring. 😉

– The Redhead

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