It Happened to Me

Five dollars’ worth of fun

Hallowe’en is just around the corner, which means that Devil’s pitchforks are readily available at a large number of convenience stores, drug stores, outlet malls or any other place that stocks cheaply-made plastic items manufactured in China. With a friendly crowd at your local watering hole, a little boozy camaraderie and a handy digital camera, you’re set for hours of fun. How many other five-dollar investments yield similarly amazing returns?

Photo: Joey deVilla pokes Meryle Cox with his Devil's pitchfork at Kickass Karaoke at the Bovine Sex Club.

Photo: Meryle Cox pokes Joey deVilla with his Devil's pitchfork at Kickass Karaoke at the Bovine Sex Club.

Meryle’s always up for silly fun. Thanks, Meryle!

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