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Birthday party announcement

Evite seems to have failed to send my invitations, so I’m going to announce the party here and email my friends later today.

I’m having a joint party — it my 36th birthday and Ashley Bristowe’s something-or-anotherth birthday party on Saturday, November 8th. The fun starts at nine-ish, and the last guest crawled out at almost 7 a.m.. If you know me, you’re invited.

Pictures from last year’s festivities are here.

This year, I’m working on securing the Hot Tub Truck, which I’ve mentioned here and here. Bring a towel and a bathing suit. The truck will be outdoors, so bring something warm to wear between your jaunts from the house to the truck.

I’ll be providing food and some alcohol and mix, but please bring some to contribute to the bathtubs. Like last year, both bathtubs will be full of ice and hold all the bottled drinks.

Dancing always breaks out. This year, we’re going to simplify life for the volunteer DJs and rely on good old iTunes. If you have any requests for music selection, let me know in the comments.

I’m always up for new party ideas, so if you have any, leave them in the comments!

Joey deVilla

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  • "This year, we're going to simplify life for the volunteer DJs and rely on good old iTunes. If you have any requests for music selection, let me know in the comments. "

    WHA! WAHAHA! BBWWAAAAAAAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHHAHAHAAA!!! OH YES! I'll give suggestions! oh the sugestions I will give!!!

  • A subsequent check with Evite shows that my post never made it to their servers, so everyone's been saved.

  • !!!!! where'd my other list go? well her's some other stuff you need

    Gogol bordello � start wearing purple

    Chara - Yasashii kimochi

    Judy and Mary � music fighter

    Puffy � Asia no Junshin

    Ua � jounetsu, milk tea, skirt no suna, and most other Ua songs are good chill music

    Hide - pink spider,

    The streets � sharp darts, too much brandy, don�t mug yourself, who got the funk, the irony of it all

    if you ant' find some of that stuff I have it all on my computer so email me.

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