Geek It Happened to Me

Preview: The Clown Prince of Accordion Playing meets The Dark Prince of Hacker Fiction

Last night’s Neal Stephenson Q&A session was amazing, but even more so for me: I was one of the door prize winners! I got a chance to go backstage after the presentation to chat with Neal Stephenson and get my copy of Quicksilver autographed. This photo, featuring both me and Stephenson both flashing our trademark facial expressions is priceless:

Photo: Joey deVilla gets his copy of 'Quicksilver' signed by the author, Neal Stephenson.

Here’s a conversation that should’ve happened, but didn’t:

Me: TEH DR4K PR1NZE 0F H4X0R F1CT10N! I’m soooo not worthy!

Neal Stephenson: You’re the guy with the accordion. Cory warned me about you.

Me: Yeah, yeah, writer boy. Less talky! More book-signy!

Neal Stephenson (sighs, pulls out ostrich feather quill and dips it in an inkwell made from an actual human skull): To whom shall I sign it?

Me: “To Bubba: I really enjoyed being your prison bitch. Love, Nealy-wealy.”

Neal casts his Notorious Icy Glare at Joey.

Me: Uh, “To Joey” will do nicely.

Neal Stephenson (signs the book): Wait a minute. Is that really an accordion?

Me: Yeah, it is. [Puts it on] Glad you asked! Just for this occasion, I took the time to write some accordion backbeats for your Sushi K* numbers! Ah one, ah two, ah one two three four…I was goin’ to the Black Sun, but then I got high…

Neal Stephenson: SECURITY!

What actually happened (including my notes) will follow shortly.

* Sushi K is an Asian rap star from Stephenson’s novel Snow Crash.


THIS is why I dropped out of engineering

Actually, the reason I dropped out was because I failed out, ranked 430th out of 431 in my class. #431, wherever you are, I owe you a beer!

Photo: Bulletin board featuring smiling teen with text 'It's my FUTURE! I want to be an can WAIT!'

Click on the image above to see the whole photo. Thanks, Ejovi!

Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Still time to get Neal Stephenson tickets

There are still tickets for tonight’s Q&A session at The Music Hall with Neal Stephenson, author of geek must-reads such as Snow Crash, The Diamond Age, Cryptonomicon and his latest, Quicksilver. The Q&A is part of a reading series called “This is not a Reading Series”, which is organized by Pages, one of Accordion City’s best independent bookstores. It will be hosted by my friend Mark Askwith, producer for Space (Canada’s science fiction/fantasy/Roddenberry channel) and attended by yours truly.

Tickets are $5 in advance / $6 at the door. Doors open at 6:00 p.m., and the fun starts at 6:30.

It Happened to Me

Five dollars’ worth of fun

Hallowe’en is just around the corner, which means that Devil’s pitchforks are readily available at a large number of convenience stores, drug stores, outlet malls or any other place that stocks cheaply-made plastic items manufactured in China. With a friendly crowd at your local watering hole, a little boozy camaraderie and a handy digital camera, you’re set for hours of fun. How many other five-dollar investments yield similarly amazing returns?

Photo: Joey deVilla pokes Meryle Cox with his Devil's pitchfork at Kickass Karaoke at the Bovine Sex Club.

Photo: Meryle Cox pokes Joey deVilla with his Devil's pitchfork at Kickass Karaoke at the Bovine Sex Club.

Meryle’s always up for silly fun. Thanks, Meryle!


I always wondered how you went to the bathroom in those suits

Photo: Stormtroopers using urinals.


Get thee to The Farm!

Ah, at last a geeky post. I am, after all, supposed to be some kind of computer-y programmer-y sort of guy. WIth a degree ‘n’ stuff, even!

This is one of my semi-regular annoucements that yes, there is a technical blog I write as part of my TC/DC (Technical Community Development Coordinator) responsibilities for Tucows. It’s called the The Farm: The Tucows Developers’ Hangout and it covers all kinds of things that the computer-y programmer-y sort of person would find useful (as well as being a one-stop source of OpenSRS material). Today’s entry has all kinds of goodies, including:

Go visit The Farm!


Anyone got a ten-foot pole?

The US Senate has passed a bill to ban partial-birth abortions. Expect heavy debate in the blogosphere — Deenster and Wendy have already voiced their opinions for the “It’s a sad day for the Freedom To Choose” side, while Mark and Amy are sounding off for the “It’s a victory against The Culture of Death” side.

I’m going to let my ten-foot pole stay in the rack for the time being.