
Get cooking, guys!

Gentlemen, start your ovens: I just found out via MetaFilter that today is “National Men Make Dinner” day.

There’s a set of official rules, one of which is “Man agrees not to be within 30 feet of TV remote during cooking process”. Sound thinking. I know a guy who burned Jell-O™. While the powder-and-water mixture was boiling, he took a quick look to see what was on TV and got transfixed by an Andre the Giant vs. Hulk Hogan wrestling match (this was int he eighties). he subsequently forgot about the Jell-O™, which has boiled dry and turned into a hard lump of old-style-iMac-like plastic that refused to be scraped or washed off.

Another thing to note: according to the list of “Foods that should not be part of Men Make Dinner Day”, barbecued food is not allowed. It’s about kitchen cooking. I wonder if they’ll make exceptions for the George Foreman Grill or those people fortunate to have Jenn-Air™ stoves.

My housemate Paul and I are pretty decent cooks, so most days at the house are “National Men Make Dinner Day” anyway. If you haven’t yet learned how to cook, we’d like to remind you:

  • You’re not really a grown-up until you’re capable of feeding yourself.
  • Cooking at home is a great way to eat healthier and save money.
  • Most importantly (at least for us eligible bachelors): It gets you chicks.

Get cooking!

2 replies on “Get cooking, guys!”

I am so glad that I am going out tonight 😉 Then again, I usally do quite a bit of cooking anyways.

I am so glad that we are eating out tonight 😉 Then again, I usally do quite a bit of cooking anyways.

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