It Happened to Me


Sam’s just called the house — she’s taking her friend Kerry-Ann out for her birthday in a limo and has asked Paul and I to join her in ten minutes. Being a Modern Gentleman and having learned the value of gusto-going over the years, I always have a good suit and a party mood at the ready for such occasions.

More news as it happens.

3 replies on “Limo?!”

Where’s MY goddam limo. I haven’t been in a limo in over a year. What the fuck? !!!

Women always look better in little black dresses, glittery diamonds, martini in hand (slightly flush), sliding around a bit on the leather upholstery.


“and has asked Paul and I to join her”

Given Joey’s generally high grammatical standards, I’ll just assume that this is a typo; I’m sure he really intended to type “me” instead.

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