
WiFi Meetup Tonight

The Toronto chapter of International WiFi Meetup Day will meet tonight at:


66 Harbord St. (northeast corner of Spadina and Harbord)

7:00 p.m.

The announcement says that the WiFi-ers will meet up inside, somewhere near the entrance. Among those attending will be such Toronto geek luminaries as:

Brent says:

They’ve attracted a good range of people – technical, industry, simply interested. WirelessBandit has been along in the flesh to keep us up on trends and there has been an eclectic range of laptops and handheld devices to fawn over.

Good geeky fun to be had by all. We’ll go out for dinner and drinks afterwards.

2 replies on “WiFi Meetup Tonight”

fix your url for wireless bandit, you are putting crazy go nuts university to shame with that poorly formatted href tag.


And it was just an accidental relative link. They’ll assume I was drunk at work, and that’s the sort of thing that boosts Crazy Go Nuts University’s rep: “He’s so important, he can show up to work loaded and not get fired!”

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