Jo-Anne Liburd one of the people who helped run For the Love of Breasts gala, sent me this photo, which along with The Best Accordion Picture Ever, was taken by the even’t official photographer:

The redhead in the shot is Allison, who ended up joining me onstage (after I was invited by the band), in these shots.

I now live in a Smirnoff ad. Whoo!

Joey deVilla

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  • Ad copy:

    "All eyes on you. What're you gonna offer her, beer? No way, loser. Give her a Smirnoff Ice and an accordian-powered clop in the chops, and she'll be singing your praises."

    Also, for whatever reason the image doesn't show up in my IE6, just Firebird... all I see is a 1-pixel high line that's as wide as the image.

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