It Happened to Me

Where is Redhead?

I’m on a weekend-long date with The Redhead, who came up from Boston on Friday night. She’s great company, makes a mean guacamole, enjoyed last night’s GTABloggers get-together, and is one helluva cute giggle-machine.

Says The Redhead: “I like Canada.”

Thus far, I have not had to punch out anyone in a bar or console lovesick Glaswegians, nor has she collapsed screaming into the fetal position, demanding that I speak in verse. But there’s still a lot of weekend left…

While she’s here, we’ve given each other posting privileges on each other’s blogs.

I’ll give you folks a moment to retch.

Back? Good. Anyway, expect some posts from her here, and some from me on The Redhead Wore Crimson.

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