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Bloggie Campaign 2004

Yup, it’s the beginning of a new year, which means that once again, I’m campaigning for a Bloggie.

The Bloggies are are publicly-chosen awards given to weblog writers and

those related to weblogs. The awards that I think I’m eligible for are:

  • Best Canadian Weblog
  • Most Humorous Weblog


think that 2003 was a helluva year for the weblog, as it featured a

number of entries you’re certainly not going to find anywhere else. To

paraphrase the great actor Troy McClure, you may remember me from such 2003

entries as:

As well as earlier entries including:


wild stuff. Can any other blogger boast these acheievemets?

Then again, I think Joi has, knowing him.

But that’s not the point. The point is that you get lots of entertainment bang for the no-bucks here at The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century.

All I ask for in return in a Bloggie nomination. Give the above links a

read,  and if you think I deserve a nomination, please head on

over to the Bloggie nomination page and nominate this blog!

Joey deVilla

View Comments

  • Done, already, Mr. Accordion Guy !!

    I voted for you before you even posted this entry !!

    How about that ?

    Joshua Aaron Day

    Roanoke, VA USA

  • Done ..... it's the least I can do in return for all the fun. Joey, you restore my faith in young men ...

  • Voted for you in both categories, Joey, and even voted for Blogware in the web tools category (though I also voted for MT and TypePad).

    I was going to solicit your return vote for a category such as “Best Blog About Religion,” but there’s no category that fits. Oh, well, that’s better for my vanity.

  • I put you in for Best Canadian Weblog, and *gasp* Weblog of the Year

    Oh, and Blogware for best blogtool - because it looks s'darned good.

    (If only there were a "Best Accordion-wearing hipster" category...)

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