[ via Boing Boing
] Tom “Plasticbag.org” Coates has come up with another two-axis
classification scheme for working types: the Pirate/Ninja axis, and the
Elf/Dwarf axis. The meat of his essay:
I have always considered the profound distinction between ninjas and
pirates to be an absolute one. One was either ninja or pirate – there
were no inbetweens. One personality type was skilled and proficient,
elegant and silent, contained and constrained, honourable and
spiritual. The other type loud and flamboyant, gregarious and
unrestrained, life-loving and vigorous, passionate and strong. I
thought all people must pledge their allegiance, or be categorised accordingly.
The other day at work, another binary pair was presented to me – a
co-worker who doesn’t declare people pirate or ninja, but instead elf
or dwarf. For him, humanity falls into doers and thinkers – elves being
elegant and timeless, conceptual and refined, abstract and beautiful
while dwarves are practical and structural, hard-working and
no-nonsense, down-to-earth smiths and makers. It’s a view of the world
that’s expounded a bit in Cryptonomicon.
Coates drew the two axes and plotted a number of big bloggers on them, resulting in this chart:
I wonder where I’d fall. Probably much closer to pirate, maybe straddling elf and dwarf. What do you think?
My mother’s family traces its ancestry back to Chinese pirate Limahong, so I guess I should declare my allegiance to the pirates. Besides, I think that hot tub parties are more a pirate thing than a ninja thing.
Very interesting reading. Perhaps I should contact Coates and offer to program the “where are you on this chart?” quiz.
Go read the article, and while you’re at it, read Scott “PvP” Kurtz’ “Pirate vs. Ninja” series of comic strips.
One of the guys — and I do mean guys — who’s bound and determined…
It’s Sunday, which means it’s time for another “picdump!” Here are 118 memes, pictures, and…
It’s Sunday, which means it’s time for another “picdump!” Here are 113 memes, pictures, and…
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Joey, can I help construct the quiz questions?