
LOL Revisited [Updated]

It is worrisome when a teenage girl does it, and more so when a guy my age who should know better does it.

Chris S., as a representative of one of the companies that makes the Internet go, I must request that you wear an “Net-Speak Badge of Shame” for a week.

Update: Oh, Chris and Deenster both used “LOL” in speech! Arrrgh! There should be a constitutional amendment forbidding them from marrying!

7 replies on “LOL Revisited [Updated]”

My dad has sent me a few emails and he signs them:LOL To him, it meant “Lots of love”. It always seemed ackward, but it never occured to me that he meant something other than laughing out loud.

But last week, I get an email from him that ended with:

Beth [a family friend] just called. Her dad died this morning.



We finally had to have a talk about that.


We use LOL all the time where I work, but it stands for Lind On Line, instead of, well, you know.

I still feel kind of silly when I do it.

My bet is that they say it “Lawl”. I have friends who do this. It makes me want to stab something.

If I remember correctly, Drew of OC used to be the biggest lol-slut of all time. And isn’t he some hacktivismo alpha-geek? I learned from the masters, not from the teens.

1. Nobody’s perfect. Like I always say “Hey, gandhi drank his own pee.”

2. “Hacktivismo” and “Alpha Geek” should never be used in the same sentence.

I’m glad at least some of you are incorporating some foreign language into your daily speech, as LOL in Dutch (the language they speak in that tiny little country at the North Sea oposite England, yes, that’s Europe) would be best translated as ‘fun’. Only, we don’t write LOL in caps as it isn’t an abreviation for us.

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