It Happened to Me

Annual Review Day Live Cam! (or: Beat THIS, Channel 9!)

Today is Annual Review Day here at Tucows, and Boss Ross

is among those doing reviews. Boss Ross, in case you’re not aware, is

the Director of Research and Innovation, a crack team made up the

following people:

Hey man, I didn’t say it was a big team.

Anyhow, if you want to see how they’re going, check out the webcam image either on Ross’ blog or below. Alas, there is no audio.

My review takes places at 2:00 p.m. EDT. Watch Darryl squirm at 3:00 p.m. EDT.

The Boss Ross Cam! Reload the page to see a fresh image.

4 replies on “Annual Review Day Live Cam! (or: Beat THIS, Channel 9!)”

How odd – my annual review begins in 11 minutes. I will try to mimic your head postures. Any suggested winning phrases which improve upon saying “Good idea, boss!” 27 times?


Gen X at 40

How odd – my annual review begins in 11 minutes. I will try to mimic your head postures. Any suggested winning phrases which improve upon saying “Good idea, boss!” 27 times?


Gen X at 40

How odd – my annual review begins in 11 minutes. I will try to mimic your head postures. Any suggested winning phrases which improve upon saying “Good idea, boss!” 27 times?


Gen X at 40

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