It Happened to Me

Scenes From a Video Shoot

Although the clip of me and Elliot (Tucows’ CEO) at my desk did not

make it into David Akin’s CTV News story on the upcoming Google IPO (mentioned in this entry), my

co-worker Darryl borrowed my Nikon Coolpix SQ and made his own meta-video shoot.

All these movies were shot in the middle part of the middle aisle, home

of Product Management, Domain Direct and the the Technical Community

Development Coordinator. My desk is in the

dead center of the Tucows offices, which I like to call the “Keanu

spot”, after the location of his cubicle in the first Matrix movie.

The first video is of Darryl trying out the camera for the first time:

Here’s one of Darryl doing a slow forward shot of the middle aisle:

Here’s one of Elliot, me and David talking about the OpenNet Initiative.

I love the still capture shown below. The poses that Elliot and I are

in are straight out of those stock photo CDs of office scenes.

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