
Blogware’s Slideshow Feature

Okay, Blogware users and wanna-users, here’s a new feature that made it into the 1.0 cut for Blogware. If you have a Blogware blog, open the Blogware Control Panel in a new browser window and log in. Once you’ve logged in, click on the Settings tab of the Navigation Bar.

Now take a look near the lower right-hand corner of the page, near the
bottom of the Options sidebar. Notice a new checkbox — the one marked Enable Slideshows?

That checkbox, Gentle Reader, is the gateway to photoblogging coolness.
Checking that checkbox enables Blogware’s new slideshow feature,
which turns your blog’s photo albums into a slideshow with just a click.

Let’s take a look at a photo album I recently posted: one featuring my
photos of a billboard near Queen Street West. Here’s what the photo
album’s main page look like.

Notice the icon above the photos? That’s the slideshow icon. Clicking
that icon opens a new window containing the slideshow. The slideshow
starts, displaying all the photos in the album (click the photo below to start the slideshow):

The controls along the top of the window control slideshow playback.
Each photo in the album is shown for a short period of time (which can
be set to 1, 3 or 10 seconds), after which the next photo is shown.
Once the slideshow finishes showing the last photo in the album, it
starts over from the beginning.

We know that the slideshow works fine for the following browsers:

  • Windows
    • Internet Explorer 6
    • Mozilla 1.6
    • Firebird 0.8
    • Netscape 7
  • Mac OS X
    • Safari  1.2
    • Mozilla 1.6
    • Firebird 0.8
    • Netscape 7
  • Linux
    • Mozilla 1.6
    • Firebird 0.8

To whet your appetite for Blogware’s slideshows, here are some direct links to some of my own:

The tamer photos (safe for work, gah-ron-teed)

The saucier photos (some images might not be so safe for work)

I’m going to have a lot of fun with this new feature.

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