It Happened to Me

Welcome to the house, Robertson!

Robertson J. Strickler is the new housemate at my abode, Big Trouble in
Little China. He will enjoy the amenities that our fine bachelor pad
has to offer, but he needs to be mindful that he doesn’t waste his life
glued to the digital cable or our megabits of bandwidth. I defer to
“Hugo” from the webcomic Scary Go Round:

4 replies on “Welcome to the house, Robertson!”

One of my favorite movies!! (Big Trouble In Little China)–don’t esk me why, we just watch it a lot.

high speed internet sure does keep me glued to my computer chair. but so far I’ve managed to resist buying a russian wife, so far…

Bachelor pad?! Yikes. I didn’t sign up for bachelor-esque debauchery; more for the Atkins-approved kitchen…

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