In the News It Happened to Me

Mentioned in the Globe and Mail

While in Boston, I got an rather excited call from my friend Anne, who told me that I got mentioned in the Focus section of Saturday’s edition of the Globe and Mail (Canada’s National Newspaper that doesn’t secretly want us to be annexed by the U.S. ). On page F6, there’s a quick writeup of Never Threaten to Eat Your Co-Workers: Best of Blogs, a collection of blog entries in which my “New Girl Story” appears.

Here’s what was written:

Never Threaten to Eat Your Co-Workers: Best of Blogs, edited by Alan Graham and Bonnie Burton, Apress, $17.99 (U.S.)

This best-of collection nicely captures the voyeuristic appeal of
“web logs” — blogs — with a selection of entries as international as
the World Wide Web. Canada is well represented with strong pieces by
Toronto blogger Joey de Villa, better known as Accordian [sic] Guy, and expat
Vancouverite Dean Allen, who now lives in France (with a woman who fell
in love with him via his blog).

The writeup was written by Globe and Mail writer/editor Carol Toller, whom I now like to think of as my unofficial PR agent at the paper: earlier this year, she republished the Longing and Shorting entry in the Our Town section.

Mondo thanks, Carol!

(Psst! It’s spelled “accordiOn”, not “accordiAn”.)


Recommended Reading

No, I don’t get any kickbacks for each copy sold. I got a nice little honorarium, though.


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