[ via diveintomark ] Mark got a 77 on the Life Assessment Quiz, while I got a 70. I don’t quite understand this, as I can imagine this conversation taking place only a few years ago:

Mark: David Crosby! You’re my role model!
David Crosby: You mean I’m your favourite musician?
Mark: You’re a musician?

Okay, I kid. A little. And you probably know that I stole that scene from The Simpsons.

My strongest area was “relationships”; my weakest is “money”.

Give the test a try, and try to make a game plan based on the results.

Joey deVilla

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  • Hm, 68. Weak on money as well, after layoff-o-rama a few years ago, and I need some work on past relationships. ;)

  • A whopping 47.
    It might be more, maybe, but I'm too modest and a lot of things I just don't know. (My cholesterol is probably just fine, but because I don't know, I left it open.)
    I scored highest on relationships, and lowest on the questions about how messy your house is and such, but that makes sense, because I am never home, and always somewhere where there are lots of people. I just don't care enough about my house.

  • 88 for me, but that's because I had to make several assumptions. I don't handle the family finances. (My wife does, having the educationa background in doing so.) So do I answer the questions in the affirmative, because it's taken care of, or in the negative, because it's not me doing it?
    Personally, I think the quiz is fundamentally flawed and tries to apply one idea to the masses. Life just doesn't work that way. Sure, we could all improve, but to strive for perfection (in the form of a perfect score) is not healthy.

  • Hmmm : 44...
    You are probably right, striving for 100 would probably lead to an unhealthy attitude.
    But using the items as goals, signs, portents of general "life" health...
    could be useful.
    Again, money weakest, family strongest.
    Trying to "hit 100" with kids in the house would be a pointless exercise in futility.
    Still, a list to strive for. especially as some of these points highlight issues that most people would not be aware of day to day, but when they are sorted do lead to a less stressful life.
    But assuming you can clear all debts and put away 6months running costs in 18 months is optimistic in the extreme.

  • True that. And on the subject, did you notice the only place that kids or spouse made the list was in child support and alimony? Not to mention there's no philanthropy or volunteering in there anywhere.
    Yea, it's a good starting point, but far from complete. The goals are fine on a personal level, but they don't really contribute to the greater good. It's kind of a 'me me me' thing.

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