I’d received an earlier invitation to Google’s GMail
service (which currently is available by invitation only, guaranteeing
that only the cool geeks have it right now), but I told the guy who
invited me that there was someone who needed it more than I.
Later, I got another invitation, which I was going to accept, until I remembered that I owed Boris a favour for his loaning me his apartment in Montreal for a weekend last September.
Last week, I got a third invitation — this time from Adam Hill — and I finally took it. I plan to use it for blog-related communication. It’s accordionguy {the-ubiquitous-at-sign} gmail {the-equally-ubiquitous-full-stop} com.
Thanks, Adam!
Clearly, I missed out by not watching the director’s cut of Jerry Maguire! But seriously —…
One of the guys — and I do mean guys — who’s bound and determined…
It’s Sunday, which means it’s time for another “picdump!” Here are 118 memes, pictures, and…
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Actually all anyone needs is a blogger account to get invited, I don't know why people are making a big deal of it.