Accordion, Instrument of the Gods It Happened to Me

Happy Independence Day!

Happy Independence Day to all my American readers! Hope yours was fun.

I spent mine saying some good-byes to my friends at CONvergence/Dystopia, joining Dave Ahrens’
family for a barbecue and then getting dropped off by him at the
airport. Here’s a shot of me from earlier this afternoon, ready to
celebrate the 4th American style: lookin’ stylish with a
stars-and-stripes tie, resplendent in my Elvis sideburns and ready to
rock, and posing beside a ridiculously large automibile.

It doesn’t get more “American Badass” than this.

The tie got raves at the airport. A number of the staff at the
Northwest Airlines counter came to check it out, a young woman at the
security checkpoint winked at me, gave me a thumbs up and said “Great
tie, dude!” and the stewardesses on my flight were all over the tie.

Maybe it’s time to start a “flags of the world” tie collection.

5 replies on “Happy Independence Day!”

OK. We know where the cool Canada tie was purchased–what about this one?

Well, it’s a Toyota that was designed in Toyota’s Torramce, California facility.

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