Jeff Jarvis
- “As Rosen rebutted Kinsella, Jarvis shall now rebut Schaffer”
- It is mainstream media that is useless, narcisstic and niche
- “Forget Gutenberg. The most important media invention is the remote control.”
- Blogging is the new remote control
- The readers are now writers
- The people we used to call an audience now have a voice.
- Advice to editors: The first thing you should do is not write the blogs, but read them
- Bloggers do it because they care
- Blogging is complementary:
- “It is news? Yes, I say it is.”
- “Is it journalism? Yes, I say it is.”
- With the commoditization of news, viewpoint becomes important
- If we stick up our noses at Fox News (or the Guardian, for that matter), we are ignoring the people
- Citizens’ media gives the audience authority
- Blogs are essentially social — this is a community
- Equated “audience” with Doc Searls’ interpretation of “consumer”:
“It implies that we are all tied to our chairs, head back, eating
‘content’ and crapping cash.” - Blogging establishes a culture of transparency
- It’s an egalitarian meritocracy. It’s about frankness and democracy. Liberte, fraternite, egalite!
- The grammar of information is changed: we search. We link. We no longer wait for the news; it waits for us to come to it.
- Re-designing news: News is not the article or the channel, but the story or the post.
- Johnathan Miller, head of AOL: 60 – 70 percent of AOL’s spends their time on reader-created content
- “Don’t worry about all the geeky tools” — new tools will appear that will only make things easier
- Andrew Sullivan: “This happens only once in a lifetime. You don’t
stumble across a new medium every day.” Jarvis: “I say ‘amen’.”
And I say “Amen” too! A well-done, passionate, articulate and fiery rebuttal to the previous speaker.